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Specialisation: Healthcare

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Enhancing Cultural Diversity Competence in Healthcare

Cultural diversity in healthcare is one of the most prevalent and challenging issues in healthcare systems throughout the world. In most countries, the population consists of people from diverse cultural

Continue reading 3 Oct 2024
Reflection on Nursing: Knowledge for Nursing Practice

Nursing is a comprehensive healthcare profession that requires the application of various aspects, including knowledge of practice and nursing perspectives guided by the standards and theories of practice. The nursing

Continue reading 23 Aug 2024
Addressing Drug and Alcohol Use Addiction in the Healthcare Setting

Treating Drug and Alcohol Use Addiction in the Healthcare Setting Drug and alcohol use problem is a perennial issue that has plagued the US healthcare system for decades. Notable cultural phenomena

Continue reading 5 Jun 2024
Secondary Trauma in Healthcare Practice

Trauma is a condition that causes one in various aspects ranging from physical, emotional, and psychological. In the nursing profession, the trauma concept does not only encompass patients’ experiences but

Continue reading 23 May 2024
Intervention Plan Design for Treatment and Management of Diabetes in Older Adults

Picot statement is one of the tools used in nursing to help nurses and medical researchers come up with answerable research quitting whose essence is to find factual and evidence-based

Continue reading 10 May 2024
Childhood Obesity

The problem of childhood obesity is a significant issue that researchers have focused much on the impact it has had on both an individual and society as a whole. In

Continue reading 30 Apr 2024
A Conceptual Map of Structural Racism in Healthcare

Introduction This paper aims to critically analyze the healthcare health policy brief entitled “A Conceptual Map of Structural Racism in Healthcare” located on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s website. In

Continue reading 25 Apr 2024
Enhancing Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Focus on Patient-Safety Risks

Introduction When speaking of healthcare, patient safety and quality care are essential. As the largest healthcare provider, nurses have a significant share in this mission. According to a report from

Continue reading 9 Apr 2024
Case Study: Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a complicated condition that requires careful control. It may be more complex for adolescents, and control often deteriorates. Family dynamics and school support as “significant others”

Continue reading 1 Feb 2024
Death, Dying, and Euthanasia

The issue of death and dying presents complex ethical questions for healthcare providers, patients, and families. Chapter 6 of Thomas’ text examines two very different patient cases that illustrate the

Continue reading 11 Jan 2024
Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare: A Case Study Analysis

Healthcare ethical challenges need critical analysis and decision-making. Eleanor Thompson, a 72-year-old with severe ovarian cancer, faces a difficult ethical problem in end-of-life decision-making. The decision to pursue experimental therapy

Continue reading 5 Jan 2024
The United States Should Provide Universal Healthcare (the Utilitarianism Perspective)

U.S. healthcare has experienced several challenges that make its healthcare system complex, dysfunctional, expensive and broken. Notwithstanding high expenditure on healthcare compared to other high-income nations, the U.S. is poorly

Continue reading 1 Aug 2023
Social Media Role in Promoting Patient Care

Introduction Social media utilization for both health and personal usage is on the increase. It incorporates social networking sites ranging from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and blogs, among other

Continue reading 26 Jul 2023
Synthesis of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses as a Leader

Leadership is essential in healthcare management. For proper coordination of the healthcare system, everyone must embrace leadership. In healthcare facilities, nurses must demonstrate good leadership skills. Quality leadership is essential

Continue reading 29 Dec 2022
Affordable Care Act’s Replacement With the Single Payer Plan

Introduction Throughout history, many groups in the United States have tried to push and lobby for universal healthcare, but their plans have always fallen short; only Medicare and Medicaid. The

Continue reading 1 Nov 2022
Artificial Intelligence (Article Review)

Introduction This essay’s purpose is to critically analyze an article that focuses on artificial intelligence. Specifically, the analysis will focus on some of the most critical aspects of the article,

Continue reading 20 Oct 2022