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The Ethical Justification for Assisted Suicide: A Persuasive Argument

One of the most controversial topics is doctor-supervised aid deaths, which is another name for physician-assisted death. Since medical, ethical, legislative, and spiritual thinking about this issue differs across societies, critical discussions have been generated in these circles. While some people claim that it is a humanitarian right for individuals suffering non-stop pain or incurable illnesses, some hold the view that it is against the values of life and the beliefs of medical ethics (Calati et al., 2021). This persuasive essay demonstrates the importance of assisted suicide based on the ethical foundations and the law.

The self-determination of a patient is another ethical argument in support of assisted suicide. Humans have the liberty to choose for themselves and their bodies at this point in their lives, like when they have conditions or situations that don’t make them enjoy their lives (Borovecki, 2022). The lack of access to assisted suicide would show inhumanity and a loss of their respect (Calati et al., 2021). Standing on the issue of legalized assisted suicide means that society needs to respect the autonomy of individuals and let them have a choice that fits with their values and beliefs.

Moreover, death by physician’s consent can be declared on the basis of beneficence as well. Medical workers generally play a role in eliminating pain and enhancement of health in patient care (Calati et al., 2021). Suppose the disease line of the patients brings them unbearable pain or promises no recovery. In that case, when the whole process of the patients’ downtrend brings them nothing but frustration and suffering, it may be regarded as an expression of compassion and mercy toward them if the doctors assist them in ending their lives (Borovecki, 2022). It enables them to avoid the end of their lifespan while having a condition that brings discomfort and distress, which can be regarded as a greater evil.

Another evidence that backs up the legalization is that empirical evidence implies that such an action does not cause any prolonged form of abuse or the failure to use the “slippery slope” to reach euthanasia (Borovecki, 2022). For the cases where a particular jurisdiction allows assisted suicide, there are mandatory precautions to avoid or limit undue interference, such as the inability to make an independent choice and incompetence to understand all the ramifications of making the real consequences and the decision. There are a number of studies that confirm that these security measures are efficient in securing the weak links of the community and, as such, prevent abuse.

In conclusion, physician-assisted suicide is a controversial issue that must be thought out, reflecting on issues of ethical, legal, and practical natures. As lying somewhere between the ability of an individual to make their own decisions and the obligation to benefit them, along with the evidence, it can be said that assisted suicide should be allowed for the terminally ill and otherwise unbearably suffering people. Assisted suicide becomes legal, and among others, it brings compassion and human dignity to the face of death.


Borovecki, A., Curkovic, M., Nikodem, K., Oreskovic, S., Novak, M., Rubic, F., … & Gastmans, C. (2022). Attitudes about withholding or withdrawing life-prolonging treatment, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and physician-assisted suicide: a cross-sectional survey among the general public in Croatia. BMC Medical Ethics23(1), 1-16.

Calati, R., Olié, E., Dassa, D., Gramaglia, C., Guillaume, S., Madeddu, F., & Courtet, P. (2021). Euthanasia and assisted suicide in psychiatric patients: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of psychiatric research135, 153-173.

Writer: Mark Robson
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