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Advantages and Disadvantages of Legalization of Same-Sex Marriages

Same-sex marriages have become the norm in modern society, defying the traditional concept of marriage, which requires a man and a woman to come together in union. Although the subject has been controversial for years, with some people arguing the ideas ethically, most countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Taiwan, have legalized same-sex marriages (Lee & Lin, 2022). Even though the government provides limited protection, same-sex marriages are not legally recognized in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The ongoing controversies and debates surrounding the subject force one to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of same-sex marriages, a topic that will be covered in this paper.


Same-sex marriages have given people equal rights and protection in society. Traditionally, same-sex marriages were frowned upon and cursed. A couple discovered that having same-sex relations was not only harshly condemned, but they were also hunted and killed in some areas. Every person has the right to marry, and giving privileges to some groups while rejecting same-sex relationships is increasingly seen as discrimination by most governments that vow to protect the rights of all citizens (Cao et al., 2017). To address the issue of fear and discrimination, same-sex marriage legalization enabled most people to live their normal lives bravely. Today, same-sex couples can access various rights, including property ownership, parenting, and tax exemption.

Same-sex marriages help to combat the stigmatization facing homosexual couples. The government’s approval of same-sex marriages meant their marriages and existence were legal and acceptable. No homosexual couple could be stigmatized or discriminated against in society, school, work, or other settings. Same-sex marriage provided equal rights and opportunities in all work areas, politics, and family formation. While traditional couples of the same sex were permitted to have children, the legalization of same-sex marriages provided homosexual couples with the same opportunity to start a family through adoption and surrogacy (Lee & Lin, 2022). Students who came out as gay in school and children from the same marriage couples were bullied and denied access to school resources (Iraklis, 2021). However, such discriminatory practices in society were eliminated by legalizing same-sex marriage.


Although some governments have legalized same-sex marriages, most people do not accept the acts and continue to condemn such people and governments for their decision openly. Most homosexual couples face travel, residence, and worship restrictions. Most gay men and lesbians’ dreams of traveling and working anywhere in the world have been dashed because most countries have yet to accept homosexuality. In most legalized countries, same-sex couples are concentrated in cities because they do not fear the wrath of people in rural areas where homosexuality is still considered taboo (Wimark & Fortes De Lena, 2022). Most countries have yet to accept same-sex marriages, and many have been forced to flee their homes. The constant harassment and acceptance by society and family are emotionally taxing, and most same-sex couples report increased cases of stress (Cao et al., 2017).

Although homosexuality is accepted in some countries, children raised by same-sex couples have increasingly reported cases of discrimination by teachers and students. Most children are innocents who do not choose where they are born or raised; however, innocent children from same-sex marriages are frequently bullied because of their parent’s sexual orientation, putting them through unnecessary mental stress. According to Iraklis (2021), most teachers in the Netherlands dislike associating with same-sex couples in various events. This dislike is often transferred to their children as teachers show less concern for these children in school.


Same-sex marriages are not new, but society remains opposed as most people regard the homosexual community as evil. However, everyone has the right to live, and the harsh cruelty unfairly singled out to this group has prompted a few governments to legalize same-sex marriages in order to protect couples from any form of discrimination and to provide them with a plethora of opportunities. However, the legalization is slow, and most people have yet to accept the legalization. While the couple lives in fear, their children have also received equal hatred for their parents’ same-sex marriage status, exposing them to many vulnerabilities.


Cao, H., Zhou, N., Fine, M., Liang, Y., Li, J., & Mills‐Koonce, W. R. (2017). Sexual minority stress and same‐sex relationship well‐being: A meta‐analysis of research prior to the US Nationwide legalization of same‐sex marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family79(5), 1258–1277. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28989184/

Iraklis, G. (2021). Subtle forms of prejudice in Greek day-care centers. Early childhood educators’ attitudes towards same-sex marriage and children’s adjustment in same-sex families. European Journal of Developmental Psychology18(5), 711–730.

Lee, I. C., & Lin, W. F. (2022). Us versus them: The debates on the legislation of same-sex marriage (1994–2015) in Taiwan. Journal of Homosexuality69(4), 655–676. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33269991/

Wimark, T., & Fortes De Lena, F. (2022). Same‐sex marriage and neighbourhood landscape overlap—A revised understanding of the spatial distribution of gay men and lesbians. Population, Space and Place28(2), e2507. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1585828/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Writer: Shannon Lee
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