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Stop Procrastinating With These 5 Tips

Posted on November 30th, 2022 College Life

a lazy guy next to laptop

Procrastination is one of the most common problems nowadays. And not only among students. It negatively affects productivity and focus, makes it harder to study or work, and even might lower your self-esteem. It’s not that easy to beat procrastination but we have gathered five tips for you that will definitely help you out. Let’s get started.

Face the Problem

Scrolling through Tik Tok for hours is not a crime. Moreover, it’s not even a problem itself. The problem starts when you can’t switch to another task, especially a serious and urgent one. You just seem to be sucked into this world of endless videos, texting, and scrolling. That is when your study assignments get abandoned and your pile of dirty clothes doesn’t get any smaller.

In order to start working on your procrastination, you need to face the problem and admit that you need to do something with it. Not everyone is ready for such a step – a lot of people tend to protect their comfort bubble and say that there is nothing wrong with staying up all night without actually getting anything done. 

If you want to spend less time studying or be more productive and focused during the day, you need to minimize procrastination throughout your focus hours – the time when you are studying or working. The rest of the day – your spare time is the next step in the procrastination battle. Start with small things and don’t try to eliminate procrastination once and for all, that’s why we suggest you let yourself procrastinate for some time but not when you actually need to complete an urgent or very important task. This should be the time when you are strong and avoid procrastination at any cost.

Try a Power Hour

As it was said earlier, it’s better to take small steps when you are trying to beat procrastination. It’s pretty hard to avoid it all day long – chances are you will cave. But when you are setting a period of time when you put the most effort into working without procrastinating or distracting, you will achieve the best results.

So, you might want to start with an hour a day when you are the most focused and self-disciplined. Call it a power hour. You might want to try an app that would block all of the non-urgent functions of your phone as well as chosen websites and messaging apps. By avoiding such distractions, you will surely help yourself to concentrate.

Avoid Multitasking

We all are different and some of us feel like they can stay focused for a longer time when they are working on multiple tasks at the same time. However, what is better is to switch tasks every now and then but keep focusing on one thing at a time.

When you try to make the most out of your time and your brain activity, you might overload your system and even achieve the opposite result – procrastination. Sometimes procrastinating is crucial when your brain keeps losing focus and needs some time to reboot.

So, it’s better to keep it simple and plan your time accordingly in order to achieve the best results without trying to work as fast as you can and overcomplicating your routine.

Don’t Overload Yourself

Putting a lot of things on your To Do list makes it harder to start completing at least one of them. The more you try to do in a day, the harder it gets to keep up with the rhythm. Try not to overload yourself with excessive tasks but rather concentrate on a few that you really find urgent and important. Otherwise, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to do and it will make you procrastinate even more which is not what you want.

Procrastination also often happens because you don’t know how to start or complete the task. That’s why it’s important to get the maximum information about what you are going to do and the steps that you need to take. When you have a solid plan of what you need to do, it’s easier to focus, feel motivated, and avoid procrastination.

Reward Yourself

A little incentive never hurts, especially when it comes to challenging and time-consuming tasks. Rewarding yourself with treats or your favorite music, TV show or even a hot shower will make it easier to get through a long study session or working shift. Make sure you are strict with yourself but kind when it’s needed. Let’s say you have just finished reading another chapter of the textbook while preparing for the test. Get yourself a little treat – something that would mark another milestone achieved. It all depends on your liking, but it really works when you still have a lot of work ahead of you. 

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