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Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Take Our Jobs?


The battle between AI and human beings has long existed. In 1997, computer intelligence beat the then chess world champion, Gary Kasparov (Waters). This was the first realization of the power of artificial intelligence and its ability to take over human activities. Twenty-five years later, the world is experiencing driverless cars, remote delivery of packages, and chatbot therapists. These are systems that are able to mimic human psychology, imagination, and reasoning to interact seamlessly with us in reality. Strong AI focuses on creating intelligent machines that will not be distinguishable from human intelligence (IBM). These facts make a statement that AI is here to stay. Yes, AI will take our jobs; however, AI will also create new opportunities.


AI will take our Jobs.

Technology has constantly disrupted the human workforce. The Industrial Revolution transitioned from the agricultural and handicraft economy to efficient machinery for mass production. For peasant workers and producers, the efficacy of the technology made them obsolete (National Geographic). However, the revolution also created new jobs and raised employment levels to higher standards. This is similar to the AI revolution. There is a lot of fear associated with a large workforce losing its living due to AI. AI is expected to eliminate multiple jobs. According to Eberhard et al., about 47% of jobs in developed economies are at high risk of being taken over by AI (50). The computing power of AI due to big data analytics, robotization, and high digitalization is critical to automating multiple jobs and eventually replacing the human workforce.

The most affected tasks are the labor-intensive tasks. AI will eliminate these tasks through automation and substitution with robotics. Some of the jobs at threat include logistics, accountancy, housekeeping, manufacturing, healthcare, and paralegal contract services (Eberhard et al. 50). The computerization of tasks has long been about supporting routine and intensive tasks using rule-based applications. However, algorithms in big data are quickly taking over these positions and could soon become a substitute for the human workforce in non-routine jobs.

The use of AI has great potential to increase productivity through improvements in efficacy to spur product and service innovation. The use of machine learning is an essential driver of AI, and the technology can design algorithms automatically and build logical models from new data with no previous programming (Whitehouse.gov 3). Through machine learning and statistical computation, there is a prediction that fills in the missing information. In this unique aspect, the use of AI goes beyond the automation of routine tasks. Moreover, this aspect makes AI encompass and expose a large labor force to potential disruptions.

The statistical computational power of AI makes it appropriate for use in streamlining many tasks in many industries. For example, AI has the power to be applied in healthcare, where it can automate various tasks such as sorting and identifying irregularities in medical images as part of a diagnosis. Additionally, AI can be applied in manufacturing to automate quality control operations. While in these tasks, AI is able to improve the accuracy of the tasks as well as identify areas for improvement or automation. In these applications, AI allows workers to engage in higher-level tasks while eliminating the need for human labor on lower-level tasks.

Understanding AI shows that new technology has the potential to increase productivity. Operations only require small numbers of employees, and as such, individuals can devote their efforts to other tasks other than producing for the economy. In this way, AI has the ability to improve the productivity of economies through many avenues, including finance, defense, and green energy management. According to Kaur and Sharma (217), 48% of economy experts foresee a future in which robots and digital elements will disrupt a significant proportion of white and blue-collar workers. In this way, AI will lead to a significant loss of jobs and eventually may lead to income inequalities and social order breakdowns. Kaur and Sharma (217) find that 54% of jobs in the EU are at risk of being taken over by AI. This premise also means job losses are likely, and there is a need to prepare for massive disruptions.

AI will affect productivity and income distribution, which are important aspects of jobs. Implementing AI will lead to sharp economic growth, and the pace will spread throughout the entire economy (Nordhaus 2). In this way, the technology will complement certain types of labor as it replaces others. The workers who have complementary roles to AI will have an increase in productivity, which will be reflected in wage increases. The other workers will experience the opposite phenomenon. There may be an overall increase or growth in the gross domestic product (GDP) and productivity generally, but there will be increases in income and wealth inequality. Therefore, if AI complements high-income workers, there is disproportionate job income. The firms that adopt AI will have increasing capital returns, which will also create income inequalities. In the end, there is a likelihood of job discrimination, which will increase job inequality, thus affecting the job market.

The promise of an AI shift in the labor market along the lines of inequality and work shifts means there is uncertainty about the implications of AI on the labor market. AI goes beyond software and robotics as it is able to detect patterns and make judgments with the aim of optimization. As such, the high-skill jobs are most vulnerable to AI takeover. The AI-exposed jobs involve the accumulation of experience and high education levels. As such, the older workforce is most likely exposed to AI. The emerging body of research shows that AI mainly outperforms workers in high-level education jobs (Whitehouse.gov 18). Therefore, the jobs that are also at high risk of loss are jobs currently belonging to the older generation. However, there is a need to consider the process of deskilling rather than job loss.

AI will create Opportunities.

One of the benefits of AI, especially in consideration for policy, is that AI augments work rather than automates. Bessen notes that history shows that jobs predicted to be lost to automation often flourish or transform. For example, the introduction of ATMs was revolutionary and predicted the end of bank teller jobs. However, this was not the case, as the role still exists in the modern day. In fact, there are more bank branches, which means more bank tellers. The role of bank tellers advanced to allow banks to develop relationships with consumers due to competition (Bessen). In the same perspective, AI is likely to create more jobs for workers or augment current jobs to allow for more responsibility at higher levels.

AI’s technological progress will impact select job roles, which will require job redesign. The application of AI in various job roles will have a substantial impact on the tasks that human beings handle in the process. According to Whitehouse.gov, machine learning requires redefining tasks at various points to integrate AI into the market or industry. To this end, there is a need for worker adaptability to the situation. This flexibility will assist workers to have better positions to renegotiate their job positions rather than becoming obsolete.

Advancements in technology are leading to machines that are engaging in highly intelligent decisions. However, these machines are based on human creators. As such, since human beings programmed AI, they will remain supreme to the machine. Machines are making strides that have a huge impact on the reality of human beings and pushing the computer and industrial revolution. Computers are able to make intelligent decisions and act in human-like behavior. However, the human brain is complex, and the human touch is necessary for success in jobs. In addition, various technical jobs have yet to come into existence. The incorporation of AI into everyday use will require marketers, data scientists, and web security technicians who will assist in managing the technology. In this way, AI will act as a catalyst for creating new jobs, thus outweighing or balancing the lost jobs.

One of the prime examples of technology leading to the creation of jobs is China. According to Kaur and Sharma (218), industrial automation in China uses AI and robotics to increase productivity and make China a major economic player on the global level. As a result, China is exporting more products and has a critical role in the global supply chain. This action is also leading to migration towards China due to job creation opportunities. Low-income countries such as India are moving into technology jobs (Kaur and Sharma 218). India is training its people to work within the AI and robotic environment and, as such, creating opportunities for economic prosperity and exporting labor.

Many industries are seeing disruptions from the use of AI. Medicine has been affected in the sense that AI is being used to read and detect anomalies in medical images. This precise diagnosis, as well as medical assistance, does not mean that physicians have lost their jobs. On the contrary, the incorporation of AI into medicine is making physicians more capable in their capacity. In this way, AI will allow many of the current jobs to leverage new technology to provide better services and healthcare. There is certainty that AI will replace various jobs. However, the jobs that will be lost are dangerous and redundant jobs, such as those in the mining industry. Green energy processes will assist AI to host better jobs and careers. In this way, civilization will have improved outcomes.


The high AI technological progress is creating fears of job losses and predictions of mass unemployment and growing inequality. The automation of tasks will lead to job losses, but on the other hand, there will be improvements in productivity. Moreover, AI will act as a substitute and work in a complementary role to assist individuals improve over time. To this end, low and higher-skill jobs are all at risk of being polarized. However, AI is human-created. As such, there is an aspect of humans and AI working together. The prediction of AI being able to provide creative thinking, solve problems, and leadership is null since it can only exist alongside humans. In this respect, AI will come to not only take over some jobs but also augment the jobs that humans engage in. There will be new roles for humans in the AI reality.

Works Cited

Bessen, James, et al. “Automation Reaction – What Happens to Workers at Firms that Automate?” Boston University School of Law, Law and Economics Research Paper. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3328877

Eberhard, Birgit. et al. Smart work: The transformation of the labor market due to the fourth industrial revolution (I4.0). International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research (IJBESAR), Vol. 10, Iss. 3, pp. 47–66, https://doi.org/10.25103/ijbesar.103.03

Gres Thomas, Naude Wim. “Artificial Intelligence, Jobs, Inequality and Productivity: Does Aggregate Demand Matter?” Discussion Paper Series, 2018. https://docs.iza.org/dp12005.pdf

IBM. “What is Strong AI?” https://www.ibm.com/topics/strong-ai#:~:text=Strong%20AI%20aims%20to%20create,advancing%20its%20abilities%20over%20time.

Kaur Bhajneet, Sharma Sanskriti. “Will Artificial Intelligence take over our jobs a human Perspective on Employment Future.” International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Special Issue- CIMAESS 2019, pp 216-219.https://events.rdias.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Will-Artifical-Intelligence-take-over-our-jobs.pdf

National Geographic. “Industrialization, Labor, and Life.” https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/industrialization-labor-and-life/6th-grade/

Nordhaus, William. Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity? Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth. Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper no. 2021. Yale University.

Whitehouse.gov. “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence On The Future Of Workforces In The European Union And The United States Of America.” 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/TTC-EC-CEA-AI-Report-12052022-1.pdf

Waters, Dustin. “The historic chess showdown between man and AI, decades before ChatGPT.” The Washington Post, May 22, 2023. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/05/22/garry-kasparov-chess-deep-blue-ibm/

Writer: Jeff Klein
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