What Are the Consequences of International Cybersecurity Laws for Cybercrimes, and How Can International Law Be Changed To Address These Issues?


Since more people perform their daily activities online and via digital technology, cybercrime has grown in prominence recently. Governments worldwide are now enacting cybersecurity legislation to stop cybercrimes from happening. This research paper examines how international cyber security rules affect cybercrimes and suggests how international law might be modified to solve these challenges.

The objectives of this research

This study explores how international cyber security rules and the current judicial system affect cybercrimes. This study evaluates worldwide cyber security law to prevent crimes and identify areas for improvement (Khan et al., 2022, p. 971). This study analyzes literature and case studies to assess international cyber security rules and worldwide cybercrime. This paper will propose ways to improve international cyber security rules and fight cybercrime.

A few associations team up with the public authority to battle cybercrime. This study will utilize the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT), an expert division of the UN accused of fighting psychological oppressor assaults and other worldwide perils like cybercrime. In collaboration with public legislatures, worldwide associations, and different accomplices, the UNCCT forms and sets in motion the intent to counter psychological oppression and other transnational dangers. The UN Show on Cybercrime (UNCCT) empowers global collaboration in making network safety norms. Furthermore, it advances the use of appropriate global network protection regulations. UNCCT works on the legal structure for fighting cybercrime through its drives and organizations and cultivates worldwide coordinated efforts in handling network protection issues (Montasari, 2023). The gathering supports correspondence and participation among partners, including states, everyday society, and the confidential area, to improve worldwide digital protection.

Exploring the impacts of worldwide digital protection guidelines on cybercrime and how global regulation may be modified to address these hardships is proper, given the UNCCT’s order of “forestalling and battling transnational perils.” By assessing the UNCCT’s job in advancing worldwide collaboration in cybercrime counteraction and supporting network safety, this study can assist us with a better comprehension of the viability of global network safety regulation in fighting cybercrime on an overall level (Lubis & Handayani, 2022, 151-161).

Consequences of international cyber security laws for cyber-crimes:

International cyber security regulations aim to deter and prosecute online criminal activity. These laws specify what counts as cybercrime and set forth punishments for individuals who do so (Sharma & Kaur, 2019, n.p). Additionally, they offer a framework for international collaboration in catching and punishing cyber criminals. The possibility of cybercriminals being apprehended and punished is one of the significant effects of international cybersecurity regulations (Litvinenko, 2020, 1521-1541). These rules make it possible for law enforcement authorities to cooperate internationally in investigating and prosecuting cybercrimes. Because many cybercrimes are committed by actors based abroad, this is very significant. Cybercrimes can ruin reputations, steal sensitive data, and cost money (Argaw et al., 2020, 1-10). Global cybersecurity laws compensate victims. International cybersecurity laws have reduced cybercrimes. These guidelines help prevent cybercrime globally by deterring perpetrators, increasing the likelihood of their capture and punishment, and protecting victims.

Another advantage of these regulations is that they deter individuals who engage in illegal activities online (also known as the “chilling effect”). Certain people are deterred from engaging in criminal behavior online since there is always the possibility that they will be discovered and brought to justice for their actions. This may be of assistance in bringing the total number of cybercrimes committed down to a more reasonable level (Kagita et al., 2022, 83-98).

Three major types of cybercrimes:


Personal cybercrime begins. Computer crimes target one person. Cybercrime includes hacking email accounts, sending spam, and spying on webcams.


Property cybercrime. Cybercrime targets victims’ phones, computers, and other devices: Ransomware, denial-of-service attacks, and identity theft.


Government cybercrime follows—online crimes target federal, state, and municipal governments. Government cybercrime includes installing malicious software on government networks to steal or damage data, stealing federally unlawful government information like tax returns, and denial-of-service attacks on government websites like the IRS (Sen et al., 2022, 1931-1938).

Commonest cybercrimes

  • AI Attack

AI-powered cybercrime involves AI-using cybercriminals. These attacks could cause cyberattacks or identity theft (Kaloudi & Li, 2020, 1-34).

AI-powered malware, data poisoning, and phishing.

  • Computer hacking

Harmful software is computer vandalism. Crashing systems, stealing data, and corrupting files.

Malware and viruses cause computer crimes (Ponde, 2022, n.p).

  • Copyright Abuse

Copyright infringement is stealing or distributing copyrighted materials. File-sharing websites infringe copyright the most (Aronov, 2021, n.p). Illegal BitTorrent downloads of music and movies are copyright infringement cybercrimes.

  • Site-to-Site Script

Cross-site scripting hackers inject malware into websites (XSS). This code steals website users’ credentials. British Airlines’ 2018 data breach exposed 380,000 bookings and thousands of customers’ data (Williams et al., 2022, n.p).

  • Internet abuse

Cyber harassment is another common cybercrime. Technology is used to stress someone out intentionally. Sending harassing sexual or violent texts or emails can (Mohsin, 2021, n.p). Threatening texts and leaking photos are cyber harassment. Cyberbullying is common.

  • Cyber/Typosquatting

Cybersquatting is impersonating someone else on a similar website or domain name. Stealing a name or business name to get passwords and usernames is common.

  • Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking involves unwanted contact or online stalking.

  • Cyberterrorism

Cyberterrorism uses the internet to commit violent and destructive acts that spread fear and panic. Cyberterrorism involves hacking government databases to cause power outages (Jacobsen, 2022, 62-72).

  • Service Interruption (DoS)

DoS cyberattacks disable websites and other online services. Repetitive website requests slow or crash it. A person or botnet bombards a website in a denial-of-service cyberattack (Badotra & Sundas, 2021, 1-19).

  • Trafficking and child pornography increased.

Human trafficking and hacking child pornography to recruit victims are illegal. A 29-year-old Mexican national was sentenced to 25 years in West Palm Beach federal court for child sexual exploitation.

  • Drive-by attacks

Hackers launch drive-by cyberattacks without the victim’s knowledge after gaining access to a computer system or website.

  • Attacks Seen

Cyberattack eavesdropping involves online monitoring. Cyberattacks use keyloggers and other spyware to eavesdrop on online conversations.

  • Internal Threats

Insider cyberattacks can damage or steal a company’s computer system and other resources.

  • Malware

Malware harms users. Adware, spyware, and worms are malware. Unlike theft or fraud, malware damages computer systems and data (Katagiri, 2021, n.p).

  • Online libel

Online libel or slander involves defaming someone. Alfalo sued Weiner for Florida defamation per se and intentional emotional distress (Solo, 2019, 75-77). Falsely slandering someone on social media causes emotional distress.

Limitations of international cyber security laws in addressing cyber-crimes:

There are advantages to having international cyber security regulations, yet there may likewise be downsides (Halder & Jaishankar, 2019, n.p). One drawback is the need for more proficient authorization instruments. A few nations need to improve on labor supply and skills to explore and indict instances of cybercrime appropriately. It is additionally conceivable that only one out of every odd nation will cooperate to tackle the issue of cybercrime (Ali et al., 2021, 248-255).

International cyber security rules may need to be revised to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology, which is another drawback (Habibzadeh et al., 2019, n.p). As technology develops, new varieties of cybercrime appear. Keeping up with these changes might take much work for international cybersecurity laws.

Proposals for strengthening international cyber security laws:

Some recommendations to strengthen international cyber security regulations are explorable. Cybercrime investigation and punishment could benefit from improved global coordination and cooperation. Thus, nations may be required to establish multinational task forces to coordinate cyber security measures and data exchange (Taeihagh & Lim, 2019, 103-128).

Another suggestion is to make the enforcement processes stronger. This might entail giving law enforcement organizations more resources and training and toughening the penalties for cybercrime. Finally, it is critical to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology (Farahbod et al., 2022, 63-71). As they appear, international cyber security laws may need to be updated frequently to address brand-new cybercrimes.


International cyber security laws prevent and punish cybercrimes. These laws may catch and punish cybercriminals and deter cybercrime (Smith et al., 2019, 42-60). These restrictions are limited by a need for more enforcement and the inability to keep up with technological innovation. Propos, including boosting international collaboration and coordination, strengthening enforcement, and keeping up with technology, might be considered to increase international cyber security legislation.

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Author: Alan Jabbour
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