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The Impact of Feminism on the Practice of Politics: A Critical Analysis


Feminism has been an agent of change interchangeably with political ideologies as it strips off norm-accepted power patterns. In focusing on the effects of feminism politics, this essay seeks to enumerate how it interacts with conservatism among women, which was discussed in Block 3. This paper is premised on arriving at a pointed definition of ideology or, better yet, understanding the concept before diving into analysis. It implies that ideology is a system of beliefs and values that guide political behavior, decision-making, and policies. By critically analyzing the history of feminism and its relationship with conservatism, it is possible to discern the complicated nature and the questionable character of politics. Thus, with such a view, we observe how ideologies create complex images of political discourse and construct ideas concerning the norms and values that societies follow. The tension and separation between feminist values and conservative ideas highlight the contradictions in each ideology and indicate their plasticity and ravage. The goal of this analysis is to offer a more sophisticated understanding of the transformative nature that feminism possesses in shaping politics, highlighting how it undermines traditional conceptions as well as the evaluation of ongoing dialogues through politics.

Evolution of Feminism

First-wave feminism was one of the great feminist movements born at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century; it opened a new page in human history by creating an up-to-date struggle against subservience. Its core idea was obtaining legal justice, and through a vital approach, it sought to establish suffrage and fundamental civil rights for women (Andrews et al., 2022). In evaluating this wave, however t, the criticism shows both worthy achievements and constraints. The commitment of suffragists, however clear it is, is from achieving such significant achievements as the voting rights guarantee since they primarily focused on women’s interests that impacted only upper-class and white women. This limited focus left marginalized populations, especially communities of women of color, primarily excluded from the fight. While first-wave feminism only accommodated a limited segment of women, the primary shortcoming which later waves sought to eliminate is thus well highlighted.

In the 1960s and 1970s, second-wave feminism facilitated a profound transformation of feminists’ focus from private lives to issues that plagued society and defined a person as a man or woman (Andrews et al., 2022). This wave demanded to be given reproductive rights, focused on getting more equality in the workplace, and sought to fight patriarchal structures actively. Critical analysis of second-wave feminism reveals the processes and challenges that this movement faced. Though it significantly widened feminist objectives, prus, providing a more thorough examination of women’s intricacy in society, the issue is criticized for being non-intersectional sometimes.

Starting from the 1990s, third-wave feminism supported the significant shift that allowed addressing gender issues differently based on their features, such as multiplicity engendering other identity differences besides sexuality beneath underlying questions (Andrews et al., 2022). The function of this wave was pragmatic because it addressed the failures of its predecessors and wanted to abolish mythical stereotypes and the recognition of women’s multitudinous life experiences. A central characteristic of third-wave feminism is that it makes it possible to involve all women, both in groups and individuals, in activities which ought various enactments under the unveiling revolution. It also attracts criticism in terms of complexity because there may be different voices within the movement for them to find focus.

Impact of Feminism on Politics

Disclosing itself within policy-making, the ways feminism has come to mark politics are better seen. The theme of gender equity, women’s reproductive freedom, and the struggle for discrimination in the workplace environment all came from another organization called the feminist movement. For example, the drive for equal pay has led to a range of legislation beyond principle establishing who should be paid what men as compared to women. This reflects the feminist’s demands for this maternity leave system as a sign of obligation by women to their rights-granting workers. The resilience of feminist thought can still be seen today in policy formulation, which testifies to how strong it would become once injected and introduced to the political systems. All social classes could be involved through such initiatives, inspiring a sense of belonging to the nation beyond sectional interests (Andrews et al., 2022).

Politics is also affected by feminism, though in terms of political representation, it overturns former disproportions on one side by pressing them. Feminism disrupts the familiar order by challenging conventional practices that have proven insurmountable barriers to allowing women to enter political domains. For instance, Beyond the UK, neo-conservatism influenced some of the US Republican governments under George W. Bush and in some of the ideas on foreign affairs, religion, morality, and law and order (Andrews et al., 2022).

Feminist activism has been revolutionizing the way individuals relate in the public sphere as a form of changing narrative towards knowledge and consciousness on such fundamental issues as rape culture, domestic violence, and bodily autonomy. Feminists used social networking sites and local movements to push their strong voices in the public conversation among potential opinion bases and policy discussions. For instance, the #MeToo momentum has highlighted the worldwide scale of this issue that pertains to individual cases and can change social norms and practices. The intervention of feminists on the public level ensured that sensitization and work towards gender sensitivity existed.

The rise of feminism has led to ideological friction in politics, especially in conservative political matters. The confrontation of feminist ideals with conservative values has driven political conflicts, making the public sphere the battlefield of contested gender-related policies. The existence of a contested nature of political beliefs, fueled by competing feminist ideas, has led people to question their ideals. Throughout the years, public debates associated with feminism have become an intrinsic part of democratic life. Thus, it has emerged as a crucial tool for analyzing political practices and their effectiveness.

Interaction with Conservatism

The feminist vs. conservative divide has been apparent in many of the controversies regarding LGBTQ+ rights in the realm of classic gender roles. For instance, in the quest to have same-sex couples embrace the marriage norms during that push toward passing laws on marriage equality in the United States, many feminist activists advocated for their rights to marry in a way that collapsed traditional social conservative connotations about wholeness of being between male and female. This conflict outnumbered legal wrangling and public debate, representing the tremendous ideological paradox between feminist precepts of equality and conservative values based on strict family structures.

Moreover, the idea of genderless relationships arouses heated discussions. Parents urged to bring up children with no shackles of gender limits have encountered opposition on the part of conservative fugues supporting a more old-fashioned style when raising kids. This ideological tension is reflected in the debates about curriculums, toy preferences and clothing preferences of children, demonstrating contestation between feminist principles for gender-varying policies and conservatives’ intolerance of breaking away from set norms governing gender. This is because it is possible to say that the issue of abortion rights in conservative circles, as viewed from the lenses of a conservative feminist, makes a good illustration for debates over rights. Conservative women who accept different aspects of the feminist ideology, such as individual choice and control, are left torn by conservativeness when they relate to issues such as abortion. This internal conflict is evident in debates regarding reproductive rights; here, conservative feminists seek to find their way through their beliefs on gender equality and have it pass through conservatism that might conceivably deny a woman her free will. Therefore, feminism and conservatism intersected in the relationship between ideas of freedom and power; these debates were already actively weaved together with people negotiating and challenging such ideological intersections.


In conclusion, feminism transformed politics and still transforms them in contemporary realities, leaving some traces forever. By focusing on the modernization efforts of feminism and interactions with conservatism, we will get some ideas about the contested nature of politics. The continuous reflection of these ideological positions confirms the flexibility and dynamics that mark the practices related to what comprises political discourse, giving feminism its role in configuring the political scene like this. As people struggle with the contested nature of these spaces, notions, ideas, ideals, and claims to national identities remain pivotal in designing such an egalitarian political future.


Andrews, G., Czajka, A., O’Cain, A., Prokhovnik, R., & Taylor, D. (Eds.). (2022). Understanding Politics: Ideas and Institutions in the Modern World (Book 1). The Open University.

Writer: Chris Peiris
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