This paper focuses on the complex relationship between teenagers’ mental health and social media via the literature analysis. These carefully chosen pages, all presented through respectable companies, give an insight into how social media affects various aspects of young people’s physiological and mental health. These websites supply academic viewpoints and necessary insights regarding the chances and obstacles of using social media. Furthermore, they create a binding perspective crucial for the deliberative conversation and the research on the complicated dynamics of youth’s emotional health in the modern world.
Gupta, C., Jogdand, Dr. S., & Kumar, M. (2022). Reviewing the Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents and Young Adults. Cureus, 14(10).
Description: This very accurate internet resource published on Cureus with academic integrity undertakes an in-depth examination of the impacts of social media on the mental health of adolescents and youth. This page skillfully considers many subjects – dirty chatting, privacy problems, online harassment or intellectual wellness, and learning process observation. Presenting the topic in this way helps the audience understand challenging issues through research and examples that are considered.
Summary: The conclusion focuses on risk factors exposing their distressing association with suicidality, self-harming, and mental infection among teens who use social media. The page admits to the negative consequences of social media misuse but also draws attention to the possible positive effects of ethical social media use. It gives an unbiased assessment of the complicated social media effects by focusing on the platform’s ability to promote mutual understanding, interaction, and, more importantly, communication of scientific information.
Evaluation: This page, therefore, serves as the primary source of information on the equally complex topic of teenage mental health and social media. The strong support from cross-sectional, longitudinal, and empirical studies strengthens the authority it implies. It is undoubtedly a good and easily understandable tool for an in-depth review of this field.
Anguyo, M., Masete, J., Akia, M., & Drasiku, H. (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health. In IntechOpen.
Description: This page posted under IntechOpen provides a comprehensive account of social media’s enormous influence on teens’ intellectual health in the 21st century. Page critically examines many topics that include cyberbullying, unconstructive criticism, FOMO (fear of missing out), and addictive elements of social media use. This conclusion results from a complete look into the topic, uncovering all its angles.
Summary: The page focuses on the favourable sides of social networking. Through the platform, the organizations responsible will benefit from better disseminating and propagating mental health awareness services like the continuous negative impacts of psychological health. The page is finalized to give the reader a map that outlines realistic actions to induce a healthy relationship between young adults and social networks.
Evaluation: This site is a lamp of knowledge that illuminates the intricate and complicated relationships between social media and teenagers’ mental health. Not only does it manifest the obstacles, but it also allows us to see the opportunities. The page’s all-encompassing approach makes it a prime source of information, which provides us with a deeper understanding of the multi-dimensional connections between social media use, mental health, and adolescent development.
The selected websites allow us to sharpen our skills on the intricate link between teenage mental health and social media. The web pages depict a unique viewpoint and are published on reliable platforms. Incorporating opinions from those official articles permits the ability to possess all information regarding the pros and cons of social media for young adults. The central part of the research clearly shows the significance of educational discussion and research on the complicated negotiation of social media and young adults’ mental health.
Anguyo, M., Masete, J., Akia, M., & Drasiku, H. (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health. In IntechOpen.
Gupta, C., Jogdand, Dr. S., & Kumar, M. (2022). Reviewing the Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents and Young Adults. Cureus, 14(10).