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Research Paper: Child Labor as a Human’s Right Violation


Child labor, which is one of the severest human rights violations in contemporary times, engulfs hundreds of thousands of those who are underage and get employed in absolutely hazardous conditions. This makes them detached from their childhood age; their development cycle is stopped abruptly, and they are likely to die from health disorders. Despite the courtship of frequent global efforts and innumerable international agreements targeted at halting this immoral practice, child labor persists today in many parts of the world. The present article is devoted to the dissents of child labor, which leads to human rights violations of children, amid a host of risks and dangers that have no consent of the kids. Next, the authors examine the systemic malaise exacerbating this problem and its effects on children’s well-being, such as health, education, and emotional well-being.


On the contrary, despite the issuance of global aid and the efforts of multi-national agencies in curbing the perpetration of child labor, there are still many affected kids, both girls and boys, worldwide, and it is a despairing human rights violation. The underlying problem not only subverts the values and ideals that are attributed to international humanitarian law and jurisdiction but also perpetuates a cycle of poverty among the non-protected sufferers that could vary across the generations. Globally, more than 100 Mn children have gone down to labor, but there are a staggering 152 Mn children with employment perpetrating over 73 Mn through dangerous conditions (International Labor Organization, 2020). In Asian and African countries, statistics reveal record-high child labor rates, and these involve hazardous industries, for instance, mining, construction, and agriculture. The fundamental forces of poverty, education deficit, ingrained societal norms, and the economic clamor to have cheap labor intensify the position of child labor more. This analysis procedure was developed to give the overall idea of the problem that draws attention to the fact that all should be eradicated, which means doing a global consort of all humankind. This research aims to formulate a proper thesis that child labor should go beyond the fundamental issue of human rights. It should be profoundly embedded in all sections of society with practical solutions to abolish its lingering effects on the lives of all children.

Why Child Labor was Chosen as a Violation to Study

The thematic example of child labor was chosen due to this problem’s deep and widespread reach, such that its effect cannot be overstated from local to global or local to international dimensions. The time for economic and social repercussions of child labor is gone because children are not supposed to work in factories or mines, so children getting involved in labor is a violation of their rights (Ibrahim, 2019). The gravity and the transcendent nature of this situation where millions of children are victimized in this kind of labor around the globe cannot but be looked into meticulously and immediately measured at the bell. This research explores whether the arguments in support of or against the practice of child labor hold up in today’s reality. It views the issue from many perspectives and advocates for immediate actions to eradicate this injustice for the benefit of children everywhere.

Why Child Labor is Considered a Human Rights Violation

This can be eradicated without making it difficult because it has been seen as a human rights abuse, looking at many such rights as declared in the global human rights documents. First, children being put to labor against their will violates the sacred right to education, freedom from slave labor, and the right to a decent and safe environment that is guaranteed by the state. These rights, in particular, are so deeply entrenched that despite their controversies, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights pillar reiterates the natural romance of free education, human dignity, and the application of individualistic protection (Canton,2021). The deprivation of children, who are subjected to severe exploitative work conditions from non of adequate safeguards and opportunities for education, thus robs them of their fundamental rights. Also, it undermines their powers to perform effectively and be a beneficial member of their societies. Hence, eradicating child labor should be considered among the top priorities on the government’s agenda as it is not only to ensure equal dignity for all people but also to ensure an environment that allows children to develop skills and guarantees them rights as individuals.

Academic References Supporting the Importance of Discussing This Violation

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are among other prestigious authorities whose methodologies prove invaluable in illustrating that child labor infringes human rights. While ILO provides vast information and insights on the dimensions and effects of child labor, this particular phenomenon goes so far as to contradict well-established international labor standards and human rights principles (Canton,2021). Through the research process, the ILO supplies critical information on the extent and severity of child labor, thus pointing to the importance of taking initiatives to combat the current problem. UNICEF is to be praised as well, as its reports on the issues of child welfare and trade restrictions on child labor are essential to understanding the issue’s size and elaborating adequate interventions. Through the utilization of its far-reaching network and assets, UNICEF helps to communicate the intricate and multi-dimensional problems that affect the children who are forced into exploitative labor practices and, therefore, to highlight the importance of implementing measures that address child labor as a human rights violation (Ibrahim,2019). Such collaboration with institutions like ILO and UNICEF will provide policymakers, advocators, and stakeholders with the information needed to elaborate policy-oriented strategies and initiatives to remove child labor and guarantee the safety of the development of children around the globe.

Detailed Description of the Violation: Who, What, How, Why

As a widely reported violation of human rights among developing countries, child labor mainly targets children from economically challenged areas dominated by poor communities with fewer educational and economic resources. This is the type of exploitation that sweeps various kinds of jobs that put boys or girls on the rails of harming their mental, physical, social, and moral health, which, as a result, either impedes their education or threatens their health. Child laboring continues for many reasons, such as poor living conditions, inadequate educational infrastructure, and lack of legal protection coupled with cultural traditions that grant importance to this undertaking. Multiple economic factors impose, for example, poverty in the family and structural issues of the education system and social welfare, which are also related to child labor prevalence (Canton, 2021). Deterrence of the abuse and exploitation of children is being encouraged by a multifaceted intervention, and the source of the problem should be addressed so that while the rights of the affected children are being protected, their dignity is not abused.

International Framework on Children’s Labor

Worldwide, there is no shared defense against child labor. Countries like ILO Convention 182 and 138 were ratified. Thus, this is part of the international convention that aims to eliminate child labor and set minimum age standards for employment in respective countries (Canton,2021). Although the implementation and enforcement of these laws vary considerably, promoting the rule of law often leads to an overall increase in law enforcement effectiveness. Some countries have made notable strides through reform policies and expanded education funding, while others are behind; they need more resources or the presence of corruption and political will.

Theoretical Principles Underlying the Right Against Child Labor

The theoretical underpinning of the violation of child labor from the human rights aspect is centered on the foundations of dignity, equality, and protection (Ibrahim,2019). From a philosophical standpoint, it is related to the philosophy of natural rights, which holds that all people, by their nature, have some fundamental rights that either exist or have developed since birth. Child labor is de facto obstructing the realization of these rights, forestalling not only the child’s growth but the possibility of society’s evolution.


The real solution to this problem is a holistic one where, along with legal actions, education is put in place, economic support is given, and international assistance is sought. Ensuring comprehension of the actual magnitude and character of child labor is paramount in developing policies that place child rights at the forefront, promote their welfare, and guarantee freedom from exploitation. This paper advocates for a multifaceted solution that not only alleviates the adverse effects of child labor but also unearths the fundamental factors perpetuating it.


Canton, H. (2021). International Labour Organization—ILO. In The Europa Directory of International Organizations 2021 (pp. 333–338). Routledge.

Ibrahim, A., Abdalla, S. M., Jafer, M., Abdelgadir, J., & De Vries, N. (2019). Child labor and health: a systematic literature review of the impacts of child labor on child’s health in low-and middle-income countries. Journal of Public Health, 41(1), 18-26.

Writer: Gary Reback
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