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Abortion – Pro-Life

Abortion refers to the termination of the fetus’ life before its maturity. Abortion is among the most debated topics among supporters and opponents. Many people argue about whether abortion should be legalized or not, and they have different reasons for their choices. Endless debates are made concerning the specific topic globally, and the points given by each side are the same. Other groups believe that abortion is a personal topic and should not be a subject for discussion. Ending abortion is a decision that should be supported and debated to help create awareness of its effects both on the mother and the unborn child. Abortion should be illegal in all states except in certain situations since it is the murder of a defenseless unborn child.

Abortion should be illegalized globally. Since the process involves termination of life, the action is equal to murder. One of its detrimental effects is that it involves killing the unborn child but also risks the pregnant mother’s life (Blackshaw & Rodger, 2019). Mothers who carry out an abortion, especially at home, are exposed to bacterial infections and septicemia that can result in death. Moreover, abortion can result in long time complications in the mother’s life, such increased risk of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies in the future due to a weakened uterine wall. Diseases such as pelvic inflammatory diseases are also associated with abortion, resulting in other health complications (Tatalovich, 2019). Even though individuals argue that legal abortion has fewer risks and effects on a woman’s health, the side effects are more gruesome than the advantages; therefore, abortion should be illegalized.

It is argued that women have the right to choose “my body, my choice,” and abortion is better than carrying an unwanted or neglected child. However, this argument does not consider the life of the woman and the unborn child. Even though women have the right to make their decisions, no human being has the right to terminate human life (Tatalovich, 2019). Abortion, therefore, conflicts with the unalienable rights of the fetus. If the child is neglected, such parents should be jailed for violating children’s rights. Having the right to make decisions and child neglect do not hold a stand to terminate life.

People propose that abortion relieves the woman to continue with her life and live up to her choices. However, abortion does not offer peace of mind to a woman. Statistics show that approximately 59% of the women who commit abortion are susceptible to depression, stress, and suicidal thoughts. In addition, 61% of the total woman have increased chances of mood disorders and social anxiety. At the same time, a larger percentage is predisposed to drug and substance abuse due to stress and depression (Mattalucci & De Zordo, 2022). Since abortion is detrimental both to the pregnant mother and the fetus, the practice should be prohibited globally. Using birth control measures can help one escape from the abortion crisis. For example, birth control pills and family planning are measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies among youths. No one has the right to terminate life; it is murder, and serious actions should be taken against such individuals (Maurya, 2021). However, in very few situations should the practice be legalized; for example, in case the health of the pregnant mother is at risk, medical abortion can be done. For example, mothers with preeclampsia are highly predisposed to placental rupture, which can result in organ failure; in such cases, medical abortion should be allowed.


Abortion is morally wrong. It contradicts the laws of nature and the right to life. Moreover, the practice greatly affects the pregnant woman, including infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, stress and depression, and indulging in drug and substance abuse. Due to these reasons, it is everyone’s encouragement and bid to fight against abortion, prohibit the practice, and save lives.


Blackshaw, B. P., & Rodger, D. (2019). The problem of spontaneous abortion: is the pro-life position morally monstrous?. The new bioethics25(2), 103-120. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/20502877.2019.1602376

Mattalucci, C., & De Zordo, S. (2022). Demographic Anxiety and Abortion: Italian Pro-Life Volunteers’ and Gynecologists’ Perspectives. Medical Anthropology, 1-15. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01459740.2022.2087181

Maurya, B. R. (2021). A state-of-the-art review on the impacts of abortion. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal11(12), 662-668. https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:aca&volume=11&issue=12&article=104

Tatalovich, R. (2019). Abortion: Prochoice Versus Pro-life. In Social Regulatory Policy (pp. 177-209). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429306358-7/abortion-raymond-tatalovich

Writer: Josh Kurpius
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