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Modern Leadership in a Mid-Sized Company

ABC is a mid-sized multinational that has its headquarters in the United States. The company outsources its product manufacturing to different factories in Mexico and Vietnam. Different nations have varying cultures, showing that their leaders should embrace diversity as a result of the cultural differences of their employees. ABC Company does poorly in embracing diversity and inclusion in its operations. The industry’s results show that although ABC is ranked #10 among its rivals overall, it was 50th on diversity and culture. This information shows that ABC ranks poorly on diversity and inclusion. For instance, the organization’s board is made up of six men and one woman, all American citizens living in the USA. The organization’s leadership team has four men and one woman with one ethnic minority, but they are all American citizens living in the United States. The composition of employees is 60% men and 40 % women, with a median age of 50, showing that the majority of employees are 50 years or older. The management team consists of 80% men and 20% women. Two-fifths of the entire workforce are not American citizens. The data shows that the organization does not observe diversity and inclusion in its operations. Therefore, the executive team should ensure the organization practices diversity and inclusivity by applying different vital initiatives. They should learn more about the organization’s current state and put in place strategies that promote diversity and a culture of inclusion (Ashikali et al., 2021). The report will outline the primary elements of the meeting that will help address diversity and culture at ABC.

Purpose of the Meeting

The primary purpose of the meeting is to educate the leadership team of ABC Company concerning the industry’s results concerning its performance and the state of diversity and inclusion in the organization. Every organization should embrace diversity and inclusion (Ashikali et al., 2021). Most multinationals have employees from almost all parts of the world, implying that their leaders and employees interact with different people from varying cultures. The meeting will also assist the leaders in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of its current situation and make everyone brainstorm for ideas that would assist in improving its diversity and culture rating. The meeting will help the leadership team to align its actions with the goals and values, thus enhancing its reputation in the industry and market position. The meeting also aims to enhance collaboration and communication among all the leaders and employees of the organization to ensure that it carries out its activities effectively.

Attendees and Their Roles in the Meeting

This meeting will have different attendees who will carry out different roles to address the primary purpose of the meeting. As the OD professional, I will be the first attendee of this meeting. I will be the external consultant and the facilitator of the meeting. I will prepare and present the agenda of the meeting. I will guide the breakout groups and the group discussion and document the action steps and outcomes of the meeting. The HR director will also attend the meeting and act as the sponsor of the meeting. He will be my primary contact as the OD professional. The HR director will explain to all the attendees the objectives of the meeting and provide an introduction of the industry’s results of the company. The HR director will facilitate the meeting’s summary and the next steps of the meeting. Another important attendee is the CEO of the company. The CEO is the accounting officer of any organization and the primary decision-maker of any strategic changes within the company (Ma et al., 2022). The CEO will share the vision and values of the company and will offer guidance concerning the ideas generated by everyone in the meeting.

The CFO will also be part of the meeting. He will be responsible for explaining the organization’s financial performance results and budgeting. The CFO will give data and Analysis on the effect of diversity and culture rating on the reputation and market position of the company (Ma et al., 2022). The CFO will also explain the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposed choices or decisions made in the meeting. The COO will also attend the meeting. The COO of any company is responsible for any organization’s daily operations and processes (Ma et al., 2022). In this meeting, the COO will offer insights and details on the current state of organization operations and how variations in culture and diversity affect it. The COO will explain the challenges and opportunities for improvement within the company. The vice presidents in charge of the three business units of the organization will also attend the meeting. They will represent the needs and perspectives of their respective business and collaborate with all the attendees to come up with ideas and solutions that align with the goals and values of the company (Ma et al., 2022). The director of shared services will also attend the meeting. This director will contribute to the meeting by explaining ways of leveraging the existing capabilities and infrastructure to improve diversity and culture in the company.

Schedule, Location, and Setting

The meeting should be held within a period when all the expected attendees will be free. The meeting setting should be an environment that everyone should be comfortable with. The meeting will be scheduled for two to three hours and will take place in one of the conference rooms at the ABC Company headquarters. The meeting will be formal and professional since all the participants will be the company’s senior leaders. The meeting aims to address the company’s primary issues of diversity and culture. It will help explore possible solutions to address the issue and make ABC rank fairly higher on the diversity and inclusion aspect. As the facilitator, I will guide the discussion and ensure that every attendee has adequate chances to share their views and inputs. The meeting will follow the primary agenda and purpose.

Pre-Reading Material

The meeting attendees should have a prior understanding of what the meeting will entail. In various cases, pre-reading materials are documents that give the background information and context of the meeting. Pre-reading materials help prepare the participants for the meeting and familiarize themselves with the details of the agenda. In this case, the pre-reading material should be a detailed report showing the company’s performance in the market. The material should have information on the main points and purpose of the meeting, data showing its performance and market position, metrics of the company’s diversity and culture against its competitors and industry’s benchmarks, and prompts for the participants to reflect on and discuss during the actual meeting.

Historical Overview of the Leadership Field of Study from 1920 to the Present

Leadership is a complex phenomenon that has been studied for several years by different scholars from various disciplines. Scholars have studied leadership from various periods, such as scientific management and trait theories, behavioral and contingency theories, transformational and charismatic theories, and follower-centered theories (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Each period of leadership theories has its main assumptions, contributions, limitations, and implications for leadership practice across different organizations. The early 20th century marked the rise of trait theories of leadership that focused on finding out the inherent features of effective leaders. Scholars such as Francis Galton and Thomas Carlyle focused on understanding the relevance of leadership traits like charisma, intelligence, and decisiveness (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). The period of trait theories offered the foundation of understanding leadership as an important set of understanding attributes of leaders. The trait theory, however, faced different criticisms, including the lack of empirical evidence and its failure to account for situational factors (Benmira & Agboola, 2021). Therefore, different researchers decided to explore new avenues of understanding leadership. They came up with the behavioral theories in the mid-20th century. They focused on studying traits to understand the observable behaviors of leaders.

In the 1960s and 1970s, contingency leadership theories emerged that emphasized the interaction of leaders and their followers and different situational factors that affect leadership (Deshwal & Ali, 2020). For instance, Fred Fiedler’s contingency leadership model and situational leadership theories showed the importance of adapting leadership styles based on the needs of current situations and the readiness of the followers (Deshwal & Ali, 2020). Transformational leadership theory arose in the late 20th century. Transformational leaders help inspire and motivate followers to attain higher levels of organizational performance. They provide everyone with compelling visions and a supportive organizational culture to attain higher performance levels (Deshwal & Ali, 2020). The rise of transformational leadership theories marked the departure of earlier leadership theories. Therefore, the study of leadership expanded beyond the boundaries of academia and gained effect in different applied fields like education, politics, and business. Organizations have started embracing different leadership development programs to enable their leaders to be effective in their activities and navigate through complex challenges in the ever-evolving world (Deshwal & Ali, 2020).

The turn of the 21st century experienced a rising interest in studying authentic and ethical leadership. Different scholars focused on understanding the importance of different aspects of leadership, such as transparency, integrity, and servant leadership theories (Onyalla, 2018). These approaches to leadership underscored the moral dimensions of leadership and their responsibility to serve the greater good of all the stakeholders of their organizations. Technology and globalization improvements have since reshaped how leadership operates (Onyalla, 2018). For instance, the growth of leadership communication, multicultural teams, and remote work has necessitated leaders to gain new skills and competencies that enable them to operate effectively in the modern world (Onyalla, 2018). For instance, agile and adaptive leadership concepts have gained importance and show the need for flexibility and resilience in different organizational scenarios.

Besides, the rising recognition of inclusion and diversity as strategic imperatives of different organizations has helped reevaluate traditional leadership approaches. For instance, scholars and practitioners have started examining the role of race, gender, and cultural backgrounds in shaping leadership effectiveness. Therefore, they came up with different theories, like intersectional leadership, which provide an understanding of the complexity of people’s identity and its effect on their leadership experiences (Onyalla, 2018). The field of leadership is likely to continue changing due to ongoing technological, societal, and organizational changes. For instance, emerging trends like digital leadership, sustainable leadership, and inclusive leadership are highly likely to change the practice of leadership in the future (Onyalla, 2018). The world is increasingly becoming complex and interconnected and will likely require adaptable, visionary, and ethical leaders who will guide everyone effectively in their specific organizations.

History of Leadership Theories

Explanation of Modern Leadership with Relevance to the Situation

In the current highly evolving business landscape, leadership focuses not only on hierarchical authority but also on inclusivity, adaptability, and a critical understanding of different complex organizational situations. In the context of ABC Company, there is a need to apply modern leadership styles to enable the organization to improve its low diversity and inclusion ratings compared to its industry rivals. It implies that modern leadership theories can be applied to address the company’s challenges. One modern leadership approach that applies to the scenario is visionary leadership. Modern leaders are visionary and are capable of creating compelling visions that inspire and motivate their workers to work towards achieving common goals (Lasrado & Kassem, 2021). In the case of ABC Company, the leadership team should create a clear vision that will enhance diversity and culture in all aspects of organizational operations. The vision should align with the values and business objectives of ABC Company and show its commitment to enhancing equity and inclusivity. By ensuring that employees move across shared visions, the leaders will foster a sense of purpose and collective responsibility, which will drive toward meaningful change (Lasrado & Kassem, 2021).

Secondly, the transformational leadership approach can help ABC’s leadership team focus more on empowering all employees, enhancing innovation, and creating positive organizational changes. The transformational leadership approach will enable the leaders to identify and address the root causes of the company’s low diversity and inclusion ratings (Lasrado & Kassem, 2021). The leaders might have to challenge their current practices and norms and enhance diversity in leadership roles. The transformational leadership tactics will also enable them to cultivate a culture of inclusion where everyone’s voices are heard within the organization (Lasrado & Kassem, 2021). The leaders can pave the way for a more vibrant and diverse workplace culture by championing change and enhancing experimentation by followers and everyone involved in the organization. As a modern leadership paradigm, the authentic leadership approach can also be applied to resolve the situation at ABC Company. Authentic leaders are usually transparent, genuine, and accountable for their actions (Gardner et al., 2021). The leaders of ABC Company should show high levels of authenticity by acknowledging the current shortcomings and becoming committed to creating tangible improvements. It requires them to honestly communicate with all the stakeholders and the community concerning the company’s commitment to enhancing diversity and inclusion (Gardner et al., 2021). The leaders can build credibility and trust in the company by leading with integrity and humility, creating a foundation for sustainable changes.

The collaborative leadership approach, a modern theory, can also help ABC address its issues and become highly competitive concerning diversity and inclusion. Collaborative leadership focuses on teamwork, shared decision-making, and organizational consensus-building to create positive changes (Kuknor & Bhattacharya, 2022). Collaboration across the business units of ABC Company and its functional areas is vital in addressing culture and diversity issues efficiently and creating positive changes. The leaders can identify and implement innovative solutions to create positive changes. Ethical leadership, centered on the principles and practices of integrity, fairness, and social responsibility, should also be embraced by the organization’s leadership team (Kuknor & Bhattacharya, 2022). In the context of the company’s diversity and culture issue, the leaders should observe and uphold high ethical standards and create a culture of dignity and respect for everyone. Ethical leadership will entail zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bias in the workplace (Kuknor & Bhattacharya, 2022). They should advocate for inclusion and diversity initiatives. Through ethical leadership, leaders can create positive examples for all the workers and create a culture of accountability and integrity for everyone.

Another aspect of modern leadership that applies to the situation is the adaptive leadership style. Adaptive leadership involves leading through complexity, accepting and embracing changes, and learning from failures (Moore et al., 2020). The organization’s leaders must be agile and adaptive in their leadership approaches and adopt the current trends that require organizations to observe high levels of diversity and inclusion. Therefore, leaders can experiment with new strategies and learn from their successes and failures. In this case, the company should learn from its failure to embrace diversity and inclusion in its practices and create a culture of resilience, which will help them navigate different challenges and enhance continuous improvement. Embracing empathetic leadership will also help drive diversity and inclusion in the company (Moore et al., 2020). Notably, empathetic leaders understand and value the perspectives and experiences of other people. Therefore, the leaders of ABC Company should demonstrate high levels of empathy towards employees from diverse backgrounds and recognize the unique challenges they might face in the workplace. It requires actively listening to their concerns, giving them the necessary support and resources, and advocating for policies that enhance equity and inclusivity within the organization (Moore et al., 2020). A culture of empathy and compassion will help the leaders create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone.

Transformational Leadership

Facilitation Questions

The facilitation questions will help stimulate the discussion, get feedback, and make everyone participate in the meeting effectively. For this meeting, some of the facilitation questions will be as follows.

  • How do you feel about the results of ABC Company’s industry study?
  • What surprised you or stood out to you from the data?
  • What are the implications of your company’s low rating on diversity and culture?
  • How do you define diversity and inclusion in your organization?
  • What are the benefits and challenges of having a diverse, inclusive workforce and culture?
  • How do you measure and monitor the progress and impact of your diversity and inclusion initiatives?
  • What are the best practices and examples of diversity and inclusion in your industry or sector?
  • What are the opportunities and threats ABC Company faces about diversity and culture?
  • What goals and priorities should ABC Company set for improving its diversity and culture?
  • What are the specific actions and responsibilities should ABC Company take to achieve its diversity and culture goals?

Critical Analysis of a Current Leadership Book and its Relevance to the Situation

Different scholars have come up with books and articles explaining modern leadership approaches and how they apply to different situations. Leadership should concentrate on different factors like skills, abilities, and traits of leaders. The spread of globalization over the past years has necessitated organizations to change their approaches to leadership. All organizations are required to promote diversity and inclusion in their operations. They should create cultures where employees and all stakeholders are treated equally and fairly regardless of their differences in race, religion, country of origin, gender, and ethnicity. Currently, ABC suffers from different challenges, such as racism, bias, and prejudice, which impact its effectiveness in its operations.

Critical Analysis of the Leadership Book

Gaston (2022) wrote a book on matters of race, diversity, equity, and inclusion, which directly relate to the situation of ABC Company. The book provides a comprehensive and practical guide on addressing the issues of race, diversity, equity, and inclusion in different contexts and settings. The book applies to the current situation of ABC Company in different ways. Firstly, it helps the leadership team understand the causes and implications of the low rating on diversity and culture and recognize the need for improvement in this context. Besides, the book can assist the leadership team in creating and implementing effective diversity and inclusion practices based on different examples and practices highlighted in the book. The book also contains information that the employees and different stakeholders of ABC Company can utilize to develop their racial awareness and literacy and take part in meaningful and respectful conversations regarding race and diversity issues (Gaston, 2022). The information in the book can also help the organization’s leaders align the vision, mission, and values of ABC Company with the primary principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity.


ABC, a mid-sized multinational company, should improve its diversity and inclusion practices to enhance its performance and reputation in the market. Even though the company ranks #10 overall in its industry, it ranks poorly on diversity and culture ratings, indicating that it does not comprehensively represent and respect the diversity of its workforce. The meeting will enable the leadership team to understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and brainstorm possible solutions for addressing the current gaps in the organization. All leaders should learn to apply modern leadership theories to enhance organizational diversity. Some of the modern leadership approaches are visionary, transformational, adaptive, ethical, adaptive, and authentic leadership.


Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S., & Kuipers, B. (2021). The role of inclusive leadership in supporting an inclusive climate in diverse public sector teams. Review of Public Personnel Administration41(3), 497-519. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734371X19899722

Benmira, S., & Agboola, M. (2021). Evolution of leadership theory. BMJ Leader, leader-2020. https://doi.org/10.1136/leader-2020-000296

Deshwal, V., & Ali, A. (2020). A systematic review of various leadership theories. Shanlax International Journal of Commerce8(1), 38-43. https://doi.org/10.34293/

Gardner, W. L., Karam, E. P., Alvesson, M., & Einola, K. (2021). Authentic leadership theory: The case for and against. The Leadership Quarterly32(6), 101495. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2021.101495

Gaston, H. K. (2022). Let’s talk race, diversity, equity, and inclusion. United States: RoseDog Books.

Kuknor, S. C., & Bhattacharya, S. (2022). Inclusive leadership: new age leadership to foster organizational inclusion. European Journal of Training and Development46(9), 771- 797. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJTD-07-2019-0132

Lasrado, F., & Kassem, R. (2021). Let’s get everyone involved! The effects of transformational leadership and organizational culture on organizational excellence. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management38(1), 169-194. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-11-2019-0349

Ma, S., Kor, Y. Y., & Seidl, D. (2022). Top management team role structure: A vantage point for advancing upper echelons research. Strategic Management Journal43(8), O1-O28. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3368

Moore, J. R., Maxey, E. C., Waite, A. M., & Wendover, J. D. (2020). Inclusive organizations: developmental reciprocity through authentic leader-employee relationships. Journal of Management Development39(9/10), 1029-1039. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMD-05-2019-0211

Onyalla, D. B. (2018). Authentic leadership and leadership ethics: Proposing a new perspective. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership11(2), 7. https://doi.org/10.22543/0733.62.1226

Writer: Jeffery Allen
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