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How To Manage My Time and How To Deal With Procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem that many people face daily. It can be a quick five-minute break or hours of wasting time on social media. Procrastinating means putting off what an individual should do; it is never something anyone wants to do. Even if it is a minor task, it is still something important to be done. There are always reasons to procrastinate laziness, being too busy, not knowing how to start, or being overwhelmed by what an individual has to do. It can be prevented by various methods, including time management, setting time restrictions, and disciplined tasks.

Proper time management reduces procrastination through planning and scheduling. Procrastination affects individuals at some point in their lifetime. Procrastination can be caused by a lack of self-discipline, impulsiveness, and over-commitment, but most commonly, the issue is due to a lack of time management. There are three main areas of effective time management: planning, scheduling, and monitoring (Eerde, 421). Planning involves setting goals and objectives by identifying what needs to be done and when. Scheduling involves actual planning with the recording of deadlines and other times involved in completing a task. Monitoring refers to identifying how I am doing with my tasks. If I get further behind or have more work than I can complete, I must pick back up where I left off.

Setting time restrictions also helps reduce procrastination through increased productivity and accountability. If I have a specific time to complete a task, I am more likely to stay on top of it and complete it in time. This means that I will be more reliable in my tasks and reduce the effect of work procrastination. If a deadline is not set, then I may assume it is unimportant and fail to complete it (Eerde, 430). When deadlines are set, they help identify the responsibilities and encourage keeping track of what needs to be done. When I limit how long I have to complete a task, I am more likely to stay on top of it. This is due to the deadline imposed and the fear of being penalized for lateness or ultimately not completing it.

Disciplined tasks are essential to avoid procrastination through their ability to keep me focused and on track. Disciplined tasks can help avoid procrastination by keeping my mind focused on the task. Disciplined tasks are completed without the stress of deadlines or the feeling of being rushed (Eerde, 427). The key to disciplining a task is the commitment to completing it for no reason other than seeing it through and doing it right the first time. This is a time commitment for my own sake and can be done in any area of life, not just work. Setting goals in life to achieve them later can become difficult if I do not break down the steps of completing the goal. Some steps or tasks may take longer than others, but this should not hold me back from moving forward because they are all small and manageable when all are divided.

In conclusion, time management and disciplined tasks work best when dealing with procrastination. It is essential to overcome the fear of not having enough time to do something right and on time. When anyone takes time management seriously, their goals are more likely to be reached because they have accounted for all possible circumstances in completing a task.

Work Cited

Eerde, Wendelien Van. “Procrastination at work and time management training.” The Journal of psychology 137.5 (2003): 421-434.

Writer: Gary Reback
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