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Democracy Is the Best Form of Government

Democratic governance is a form of governance that involves institutions, policies, and legislations functioning in accordance with democratic norms and processes by allowing public participation. In a democratic country, the government allows citizens to participate actively in decision-making. This implies that every citizen has an equal say in their country’s political process. Scholars throughout history, including ancient philosophers, have had differing opinions about whether democracy is the ideal system of Government. Despite much discussion and opposition regarding the nature of democracy and its effectiveness as a form of Government, most nations worldwide continue to operate under this system. Of 167 countries worldwide, 96 have opted for democracy to govern their nations (Alfi). The paper sheds light on why democratic Government is the best form of Government through its association with equality, ability to offer checks and balances, transparency and other reasons.

Democratic governance is characterized by equal treatment by the Government and equal application of the law to all citizens. Therefore, democratic governance provides an opportunity to ensure equality among citizens (Alfi). People elect leaders who they believe they can address their needs. Marginalized communities are inherently more inclined to support leaders who will want to abolish the unjust laws that are in place all across the world if they are granted the opportunity to vote. Some contend that because the majority side will still prevail over minority factions, democracy alone is insufficient to achieve equality. Every voter’s vote is counted equally throughout the voting procedure, irrespective of their gender, caste, religion, or race. In doing so, it guarantees its citizens political equality. Democratic elections produce winners and losers, and democracies function properly when losers accept unfavourable electoral results. Every citizen is protected from exploitation and other forms of abuse in a democratic system of governance. The entire populace is protected from exploitation and all types of abuse in a democratic system of Government. People participate in decision-making processes in democracy, as opposed to other forms of Government (such as monarchy and dictatorship). As a result, fundamental services like security, healthcare, and education are provided equally and effectively.

Democratic governance is considered the best form of Government due to its ability to separate powers, allowing for checks and balances. Historically, there have been terrible outcomes when an individual or a single entity holds excessive power. This is avoided in democratic Government since no central authority can decide what the populace can and cannot do. The people have the power, and every decision is made by popular vote. People can hold their Government responsible, and abuse of power is avoided in this way. The division of powers among three separate branches, such as the legislature, which makes laws; the executive branch, which enforces laws; and the judiciary, which interprets laws, is a fundamental component of democratic governance. A system of checks and balances allows these distinct branches to operate so that every branch can restrain the authority of the others, preventing any one branch from being too powerful or autocratic. This arrangement establishes a self-policing framework that safeguards against misuse of authority, fosters openness, and supports a more proportionate use of governmental power. Separation of powers in a democratic government increases leadership accountability. “In a democratic country, accountability is something that is important because if a leader does not maintain the accountability they have, they can be sued by the people who act as a civil watch” (Alfi). Therefore, democracy allows increased accountability among political leaders and the entire administration.

A democratic form of Government is linked with transparency. Transparency and ethics are the guiding principles that guarantee government accountability and reliability in the complex world of democracy. Good governance is centred around these two components. When together, they advance justice and integrity. It is impossible to emphasize their importance. They preserve the fundamental basis of an accountable and just government. Through preserving civil freedoms, free and fair elections, and an independent press, the democratic system of Government provides transparency. If voters are dissatisfied with the current administration, elections allow them to select new leaders and keep their representatives accountable. A free press monitors government actions and reports on them, acting as a watchdog. The defence of civil rights, such as the right to free expression, assembly, and association, allows people and civil society organizations to call attention to wrongdoing and press for increased government openness. For instance, in Indonesia, “using a democratic system, transparency will be seen through which political parties fill the legislature based on the minimum vote acquisition set through the parliamentary threshold” (Alfi).

Moreover, a democratic government system protects the people’s rights and interests. Every kind of governance is vulnerable to manipulation by those in positions of authority. Examples of extrajudicial killings, mass population brutalization, and other types of injustice are commonplace under authoritarian governments. But in a democracy, where the people are in charge and constitute the majority, such news is hardly heard. “In a democratic country, ideally, the policymakers have a responsibility to the people who have elected them through voting. Therefore, they have to prioritize the public’s interest.

In conclusion, Democratic governance involves institutions, policies, and legislations that function in accordance with democratic norms and processes by allowing public participation. This implies that every citizen has an equal say in their country’s political process. However, over the years, there has been a debate on whether democracy is the best form of Government. Despite much discussion and opposition regarding the nature of democracy and its effectiveness, the majority of nations worldwide continue to operate under this system. Therefore, the paper argues that democracy is the best form of Government due to its association with improving equality, allowing separation of powers that increases the Government’s transparency, accountability, and responsibility. Despite every form of Government being vulnerable to manipulation by the political leaders, these cases are rare in democracies since the citizens are the majority and they hold the power.

Work Cited

Alfi, R. Is Democracy the Best Form of Governance? 2023, www.researchgate.net/publication/374741283_Is_Democracy_the_Best_Form_of_Governance.

Writer: John Gromada
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