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Dealing With Increased Depression Rates Among the Youth


The rate of youth depression is on the increase day by day and now has turned into a severe social problem. The percentage of depressive symptoms and disorders among children and adolescents is very high on one side, while on the other hand, there is a sudden urge to find out the underlying factors and strategies which can help in dealing with them. This essay discusses the theories, existing evaluation instruments and prevention programs on youth depression, along with the available treatments and the influence of environmental factors.

Theories and Evaluation Instruments

Depression is a major, broad problem among children and adolescents and can be conceptualized in various ways through different theories and varied measures available in diverse assessment measures. Bernard et al. (2019) provide an inclusive review of the theories of depression and the instruments used in its assessment from infantile age to adolescence. They add that the feeling is the only common theme displayed. In contrast, several theories will be necessary before the disorder is fully understood. The authors add that the key to the above will be early diagnosis and adapting the tests to youth (Bernaras et al., 2019).

Prevention Programs and Treatments

On that note, according to Bernaras et al. (2019), there would be many dimensions in preventing and delivering treatment for youth depression, with the prevention programs taking place at an early age and the treatments given more elaborate and practical. In that respect, Bernaras et al. (2019) observe that the findings accruing from universal programs are inconclusive, present no solidity on long-term efficacy, and hence represent the same. There is a need for targeted, particular interventions that address distinct risk factors and “individual” needs.

Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide in Youth

Relationships most worry people worldwide about anxiety disorders com, morbid depression, and suicidal behaviour in the youth. Kalin (2021) quoted the CNN report stating there exists a high comorbidity of anxiety disorders and depression. The author claims most environmental causes lead to these disorders, among them trauma, neglect, inadequate parenting, and continuous ongoing stress. As Kalin (2021) puts it, at-risk phenotypes or personality traits open a window to the possibilities of early intervention programs for at-risk children.

Environmental Factors and Heritability

That said, environmental factors are responsible for a vast area of developing depression in children and youth. If the heritability is responsible for a fraction of more than 30% to 40% of anxiety and depression, then huge risk chunks lie in the modification of such environmental factors. Again, it reiterates that influential aspects, in general, are especially pertinent for young people to avert and intervene in depressing conditions (Scaini et al., 2021).

Research in Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Depression

Most recently, research has increasingly been on children and adolescent anxiety and depression, with a systematic review giving very insightful ways with treatment methodologies that work (Lakasing, 2020). The study has noted that there is a great need for the continuation of the usual exploration of biological, psychological, and social factors that can help in expounding on the appearance, development, and treatment methods of depression in youth.


In conclusion, it can, therefore, be accepted that the raised incidences of depression in the youth would be dealt with by increased awareness of the underlying disorder, timely and accurate identification, and tailored prevention measures and multilateral interventions. This would lead to the justification of a three-pronged approach that would be engrained in biological, psychological, and the interaction of the environment that could help towards a practical framework in addressing the solutions to this issue.


Axelsdóttir, B., Eidet, L. M., Thoner, R., Biedilæ, S., Borren, I., Elvsåshagen, M., Ludvigsen, K. H., & Dahlgren, A. (2022). Research in child and adolescent anxiety and depression: treatment uncertainties prioritized by youth and professionals. F1000Research10, 1221. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.74205.2

Bernaras, E., Jaureguizar, J., & Garaigordobil, M. (2019). Child and Adolescent Depression: A Review of Theories, Evaluation Instruments, Prevention Programs, and Treatments. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 543. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6435492/

Kalin, N. H. (2021). Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide in Youth. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178(4), 275–276. https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.2020.21020186

Lakasing, E., & Mirza, Z. (2020). Anxiety and depression in young adults and adolescents. The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners70(691), 56–57. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp20X707765 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7018423/.

Scaini, S., Centorame, G., Lissandrello, F., Sardella, S., Stazi, M. A., Fagnani, C., Brombin, C., & Battaglia, M. (2021). The role of genetic and environmental factors in covariation between anxiety and anger in childhood. European child & adolescent psychiatry30(4), 607–617. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-020-01543-2

Writer: Josh Kurpius
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