Zayed University students are facing mental health problems due to poor time management and academic obligations. However, this can be solved by providing mental health services for students and educating students on mental health problems. The paper will discuss the problem and its causes and two solutions.
Firstly, students at Zayed University are dealing with many mental health issues, which are related to the severe stress caused by a lack of time management skills and the high standards of their academic obligations. It is evident in the article “Frequency of depression, anxiety and stress among university students,” that approximately seventy-five percent of the students were found to have depression, eighty-eight percent were anxious, and eighty-four percent were stressed out of Pakistan university students. The article also mentions the various risk factors that cause mental health issues amongst university students apart from the academic factors like psychological factors, which include personality and self-esteem; social factors involving a social network; lifestyle factors, including flexibility; and biological factors involving physical health. Academic pressure appears to be related to a high rate of mental health issues among students. More so, we can see that the article concludes by saying that the symptoms of anxiety and stress are more frequent than depression, urging people to take urgent action to help students who have mental health problems due to academic pressure (Asif et al.,2020).
Moreover, a major cause of academic stress for students is poor time management abilities. Students are more prone to experience stress, anxiety, and overload when they do not have enough time to do their tasks and prepare for exams. Many mental health issues, like depression and anxiety, may result from this. It is evident from the article “Risk factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression among university undergraduate students” that most students who take medical courses do not know the type of workload awaiting them at the Universities before enrolling for the course; hence, they find it soo hard to manage their time between classes, assignments and preparing for exams which eventually leads to academic pressure that causes stress, anxiety, and depression amongst students (Mofatteh, 2021). Therefore, a lack of management skills and high standards of academic obligations are the causes of mental health issues among students of Zayed University.
Secondly, emotional support and therapy should be provided for students in order to help them manage their feelings, and providing mental health services on campus is an important step towards reducing the issues with mental health that Zayeed University students face. Moreover, students seeking emotional support are more capable of handling the challenges of their studies while preserving their mental health. Several people may offer this assistance, including friends, family, teachers, and mental health professionals. It is evident from the article “Factors That Predispose Undergraduates to Mental Issues: A Cumulative Literature Review for Future Research Perspectives” that the academic pressure undergraduate students have on campus puts a lot of emotions on students, causing them to feel stressed, anxious, and depressed about their academic journey. Therefore, seeking emotional support ensures them that it is okay to be stressed and anxious but also helps them navigate smoothly through their academic journey, feeling appreciated and safe (Limone & Toto,2022).
Additionally, in another article, “Risk factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression among university undergraduate students” it is evident that counseling can assist students in learning coping skills and how to control their emotions in situations when academic pressure is being faced. Many different forms of therapy are available, including interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The article suggests that if the university and its administration could introduce online counseling to help students who are having a hard time at campus due to the various risk factors, academic pressure included, it would help meet all the needs of students having mental health problems since they will learn the various coping skills like how to manage their time between assignments and preparing for exams (Mofatteh,2021). Thus, when students of Zayed University seek emotional support and therapy or counseling, they will be able to manage their feelings, which will help them have better mental health.
Lastly, offering education and awareness initiatives that give students the skills and knowledge to identify and manage mental health problems will help Zayed University students address their health concerns. Education and awareness initiatives will help students know when to seek help for their mental health problems. Moreover, in the article “Factors That Predispose Undergraduates to Mental Issues: A Cumulative Literature Review for Future Research Perspectives,” we can see that university administrators should ensure that students are taught about identifying the various symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and even suicide and knowing that it is okay to feel how they are feeling mostly due to various risk factors and know how to handle such scenarios which will help them manage their mental health properly. Creating awareness ensures that students feel appreciated and have a sense of belonging when going through a stressful or anxious situation, maybe due to academic pressure (Limone &Toto, 2022). Moreover, students can learn how to cope with stress and pressure from their studies by engaging in education and awareness campaigns. Students’ academic performance can be enhanced, and their mental health issues can be managed with this support.
It is clear in the article “Frequency of depression, anxiety and stress among university students” that universities should ensure that mental health is taught as a course on Campus to ensure that all students take part in it. More so, when students participate in awareness campaigns, it gives them a sense of belonging and assures them that it is okay to feel such emotions, and they will be equipped with a skill of how to handle such feelings when experiencing anxiety, stress, or depressing situations (Asif et al.,2020). Consequently, Zayeed University students can learn how to handle their mental health problems through education, creating awareness, and participating in awareness campaigns.
In conclusion, stress, anxiety, and depression are mental illnesses that may develop through academic pressure. The high standards of academic obligations and the stress caused by poor time management skills are the main causes of mental health problems among Zayed University students. In addition to offering mental health services on campus, emotional support and therapy can assist students in bettering their mental health and coping with coursework stress. Providing educational and awareness programs that provide students with the ability to recognize and handle mental health problems is another important measure for overcoming mental health issues among students at Zayed University. Zayed University needs to take measures to reduce the coursework load on its students.
Asif, S., Mudassar, A., Shahzad, T. Z., Raouf, M., & Pervaiz, T. (2020). Frequency of depression, anxiety, and Stress among university students. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 36(5), 971–976.
Limone, P., & Toto, G. A. (2022). Factors That Predispose Undergraduates to Mental Issues: A Cumulative Literature Review for Future Research Perspectives. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
Mofatteh, M. (2021). Risk factors associated with Stress, anxiety, and depression among university undergraduate students. AIMS Public Health, 8(1), 36–65.