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Biopsychological Factors of Obesity


Obesity results from the complicated interaction of genetic predispositions, neurobiological mechanisms, and environmental influences. Though social narratives on obesity are sometimes filled with facts that link this chronic condition solely to behaviour patterns, much deeper scrutiny of complexities in which the combinative roles of nature and nurture engender outcomes about body weight and health. This essay focuses on the complex biological background of obesity, associating genetics with brain parts, neurotransmitters, and other physiological considerations. Through this biopsychological lens, we seek not only to comprehend the origins of obesity but also to appreciate the multifaceted nature of human health and behaviour.

Genetics and Obesity

Obesity, which began to be seen as the result of lifestyle factors, would now seem to be loaded high on the genetic end. Much scientific digging has found many genetic variants associated with increased susceptibility to obesity, exposing the profound interplay of the genes and complex environment in body weight regulation. According to Bouchard (2021), this included detecting one of the most abundant genes associated with obesity, such as the Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated (FTO) gene located on chromosome 16. Allelic variations of the FTO gene are consistent with an increase in body mass index (BMI) and risk of obesity.

The protein encoded by the FTO gene regulates energy intake and expenditure, which adjusts adiposity levels through poor mechanisms.

Besides genes such as FTO, other genes that regulate appetite, metabolism of fat, and the function of adipose tissue all work such that, unconsciously, through inheritance, obese parents give their children a direct predisposition towards obesity (Bouchard, 2021). For instance, the genes encoding leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone active in regulating food intake and energy balance, and its receptors are linked to certain exceptional cases of fatness where leptin is lacking or insensitivity. Similarly, mutations in genes involved in the control of appetite, such as MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor), will lead to hyperphagia and obesity.

Importantly, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified many single nucleotide changes located in the genomic regions bearing previously unidentified genetic factors associated with the expression of obesity-related traits, thus allowing insights into the genetic architecture of obesity. Many relevant metabolic SNPs were most commonly mapped in the regions near genes usually implicated in appetite control, lipid metabolism, and energy homeostasis, pointing to the multifactorial nature of obesity susceptibility. In the

‘How Genetics Affects Your Food Choices’ article by Boston University states that environmental factors such as diet, physical activity, socioeconomic status, and cultural influences act together with genetic dispositions in shaping an individual’s weight trajectory (sciencedaily.org). Improved public health can be achieved by integrating genetic insights with healthy lifestyle adaptations and behavioural interventions to give out person-centred interventions on obesity.

Neurotransmitters and Obesity

In addition, neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain may work in combination with genetic predispositions to contribute to the origin and development of obesity. In light of the many factors considered, in the case of neurotransmitters, chemical messengers in the brain deliver a signal between neurons to foster regulation over appetite and satiety pathways related to comfort food and eating behaviours, and eventually, energy balance and fat storage.

Serotonin is one of the critical neurotransmitters responsible for regulating appetite. Receptors of serotonin, which depend on its abundance, are situated in the hypothalamus in the brain. The gut and the central nervous system are the major synthesis places of serotonin. Its function as a major modulator of mood, cognition, and appetite is well-defined, but the reduction in levels has primarily been associated with increased carbohydrate cravings and impulsive eating behaviours (Pinel et al., 2020). Therefore, serotonin deficiency could potentiate eating too much food to enable the gain in weight. Its partial stimulation leads to the inhibition of appetite and promotion of satiety, therefore indicating its hitherto importance in energy homeostasis.

Additionally, there is dopamine, which lies at the centre of one of the reward-processing and motivation neurotransmitters. Basically, food consumption is characterized by the stimulation of dopamine release in the brain’s reward circuitry through the mesolimbic dopamine system and nucleus accumbens, as it involves a pattern of pleasure and reinforcement. Some of these include dysregulation of dopamine signalling, which has an effect on tendencies toward altered sensitivity to food cues driving compulsive eating, later resulting in obesity (Pinel et al., 2020). It has been indicated that there are diverse reasons for this, including the reduction in the availability of dopamine receptors and other dopaminergic transporter functions with obesity in general, leading to changes related to reward processing and food stimulus.

Norepinephrine, through its effect as an arousal and stress response neurotransmission, influences appetite and energy use through adrenergic receptors, both centrally and systemically. Pinel et al. (2020)insist that such conditions, either through over-activation or from a chronic stress state, may be associated with a dysregulation in norepinephrine transmission or signalling, leading to impairment and inappropriate control over appetite and metabolic regulation, predisposing a person to weight gain and obesity.

One of the most striking exceptions is provided by hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, initially thought to function almost entirely as systemic endocrine signals working mainly in a neuroendocrine-like way in that they regulate appetite and energy balance through functions as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. Leptin, flowing from fat cells, acts on hypothalamic neurons to activate them; therefore, it suppresses the feeling of hunger through the action of energy consumption in response to fat stores’ increases. Ghrelin, secreted in the stomach, transmits hunger signals to the brain and triggers the appetite and intake process (Pinel et al., 2020). In regard to this, there are experimental trials in progress to address weight gain due to medication, targeting the systems of neurotransmitters that correspond to appetite and that come into play, shown in systems of reward.

Brain Regions Implicated in Obesity

Subtitled regulation of food intake, satiety, and energy balance has resulted in complex interchanges within particular regions of the brain, each devoted to roles of considerable contrast in the control of feeding behaviour and metabolism. Therefore, dysfunction at this level has been postulated to be implicated in obesity development, more so through the disturbance of appetite control mechanisms, reward processing, and energy balance.

The hypothalamus is one of the focusing points of appetite control, a small but very crucial part that sits at the base of the brain. The arcuate nucleus is an essential site in the hypothalamus where all signals, except those from the central nervous system origin, are integrated. Then, the hormone leptin is released from adipose tissue and acts centrally on leptin receptors in the arcuate nucleus, thus suppressing appetite by increasing energy expenditure out of proportion. In other words, acts of ghrelin by sending a signal to the brain stimulate appetite and food intake (Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 2023). The other prime dysregulation in these pathways within the hypothalamus includes an energy homeostasis malfunction leading to overeating and gaining weight.

In a review of the literature, blunting or other alterations of dopamine signalling in obese individuals have been postulated as potentially contributing to compulsive eating behaviours independent of the other disruptions in that pathway consequent to addictive-like engagement with highly palatable, energy-dense foods. The prefrontal cortex can be considered a part of the so-called “executive” area and has also been associated with role-playing in processes like decision-making and impulse processing, therefore, it is suggested to have a role in realizing eating behaviours and inhibitory control over eating.

Moreover, the very interplay of brain regions that such results suggested underlies a complexity in the etiologies of obesity because genetically established complex neural circuits and neurotransmitter systems, in turn, disrupt appetite regulation, reward processing, and cognitive control over overeating (Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 2023). Dysfunction within these circuits through genetic predisposition or environmental influence because of behavioural patterns may interrupt the effective regulation of desire capacity, reward processing, and cognitive control over the desire to eat.

Other Biological Factors and Interactions with the Environment

In addition to genetic constituents, neurotransmitters, and brain regions, several other potential biological factors could be involved in impacting predisposition to obesity or contributing to the transactions with environmental inputs in determining individual weight histories. Insulin and cortisol hormonal imbalances play significant roles in the development of obesity. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas, regulates glucose metabolism and fat storage, thus creating a facility for energy to be deposited in adipose tissue. In obesity and metabolic dysfunction, conditions induced by insulin resistance impose a state of low insulin sensitivity of target tissues, elevating hyperinsulinemia and accumulation of fat (Hemmingsson et al., 2023). Moreover, cortisol, the primary stress hormone released from the adrenal cortex, influences appetite, metabolism, and fat distribution. Indeed, some researchers suggest that chronic stress or dysregulation of cortisol secretion might help mediate the promotion of abdominal adipose tissue and metabolic derangements, thus enhancing the risk for obesity.

Moreover, exposure of the in utero state to maternal nutrition, stress, or toxicants in the environment can program susceptibility to the offspring developing obesity, lasting through the individual’s life. The prevalence of obesity at different ages in the United States from 1999 to 2004 shows that poor maternal nutrition during intrauterine life can make a person predisposed to being born with obesity (Hemmingsson et al., 2023). This will be further related to epigenetic changes associated with DNA methylation and histone acetylation in conveying the long-term impacts of prenatal exposures to gene expressions and metabolic health

Further, cultural attitudes towards body image, food, and physical activity influence individual behaviours and beliefs about their health. Family factors link how the role modelling of parents, such as eating behaviours and lifestyle of the youth, come in handy in influencing and predisposing the youth to their dietary preference and level of activity. This further determines an individual’s self-esteem, mental health, and health-promoting behaviour.

Real-life Implications and Understanding

Insights from the basic biology of obesity could, in turn, offer opportunities for individuals, professionals, and policymakers to rethink and upgrade the prevention and treatment of obesity and public health consequences. For instance, one would consider the recognition of predispositions through genetics, imbalance in neurotransmitters, and the hormonal contribution to the appetite triggers. This opens the intervention of their development to possibilities of personalized nutrition, exercise, and stress management strategies (Silventoinen & Konttinen, 2020). These mechanisms eventually uncover new light on the comprehension of the neurobiological mechanisms underpinning food cravings, emotional overeating, and reward-based eating, in accordance with the facts that tend to form substantial information for people’s self-awareness and tendency to set and reach optimal goals.

Current clinical environments would only allow further individuation and evidence-based support to be offered to patients who require assistance in their care of an obesity problem if they have practitioners who would understand its complex biological basis regarding genetic predisposition, neuronal regulation, and metabolic control. Such clinical environments may be enhanced further by adding genetic testing, neuroimaging, and metabolic assessment to pinpoint highly at-risk persons better and target interventions at the biological factor responsible for the obesity complication. These potential breakthroughs in clinical trials include pharmacological agents that work through some specific neurotransmitter systems or hormonal pathways controlling appetite. In contrast, these adjunct therapies could target those who do not respond to lifestyle modification alone.

Second, neuro-biologically based behavioural approaches, such as cognitive-behavioural therapies and mindfulness interventions, may help optimize the capacity of individuals to develop healthy coping skills that include making adjustments in response to environmental prompts to eat. According to Silventoinen and Konttinen (2020), the scientific findings generated from this study about obesity will inform the structuring of population-level interventions and health policies to lower the prevalence of obesity and disparities.

Furthermore, policies for structural factors that affect health, for instance, food insecurity, neighbourhood environments, and socioeconomic inequalities, create supportive surroundings where healthy lifestyle selections are built and further transmitted as values that encourage equal access to nutritious eats and physical activities. This argues that public health campaigns, in some measure perhaps, need to tackle how to increase awareness of the biological grounds of obesity, anti-weight-based stigma, and body positivity to support these changes in attitudes and norms of the individual towards the social environment and conditions that foster well-being.

This means understanding that this is beyond a lack of self-discipline or laziness, but in truth, a very complex condition, not just a genetic one, but neurobiological, mixed with socio-environmental factors. However, the complex nature of attributes around obesity, when assumed, makes us understand the need for an all-inclusive, compassionate way of health promotion and disease prevention that is anchored in dignity, autonomy, and inclusivity for persons at whatever level.

The biopsychological approach to understanding obesity has revealed an informative roadmap of a myriad of factors linked in the tangled web of weight regulation and linked health outcomes. Implicit in those two understandings is an appreciation for genetic, neurobiological, and motivational factors related to the environment in which obesity is established. However, this can only be made possible with continued research, education, and advocacy in understanding obesity, all geared toward developing effective interventions.


Bouchard, C. (2021). Genetics of obesity: what we have learned over decades of research. Obesity29(5), 802-820. https://www.sciencedaily.com

Boston UniversityOriginal Study, (2021, October 20). How Genetics Affects Your Food Choices

DOI: 10.1038/s41562-021-01182-w https://www.futurity.org/food-choices-genetics-obesity-diabetes-2645222-2/

Hemmingsson, E., Nowicka, P., Ulijaszek, S., & Sørensen, T. I. (2023). The social origins of obesity within and across generations. Obesity Reviews24(1), e13514.

Garvan Institute of Medical Research, (2023, May 17). Researchers pinpoint brain cells that drive appetite in obesity https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/05/230517121529.htm

Pinel, J. P., Barnes, S. J. (2020). Biopsychology (11th ed.). Pearson Education (US).

Silventoinen, K., & Konttinen, H. (2020). Obesity and eating behaviour from the perspective of twin and genetic research. Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews109, 150-165. https://neurosciencenews.com/

Writer: Simon Doonan
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