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Social Media’s Impact on Kids

As I decide between the advantages and disadvantages of social media, my views are molded by my experiences and getting information from different sources. Social media has revolutionized how we communicate and consume information, offering us many benefits that we cannot ignore. Social media supports long-distance relationships and provides a platform for virtual public demonstrations, creating an avenue for personal involvement in the global environment. While we should be mindful of possible disadvantages related to the widespread adoption of this technology, including worsening mental health issues or multiplication of social schisms, on the other hand, it can be a handy tool in personal growth and improvement. This addictive nature of social media, which could make people feel a kind of inadequacy and comparison among people, requires research and awareness to use technology in the full context. Social media use in the digital era is a double-edged sword. It has enabled us to connect and engage easily, but at the same time, it has negatively impacted the online community. It is, therefore, essential to find a balance between the benefits and the threats from technology to develop a holistic online space.

The media has been very effective in identifying and promoting connections and facilitating communication with friends, relatives, and acquaintances from different locations. The platforms above, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have opened paths for sharing moments of happiness, togetherness, and personal accomplishments. This has ultimately led to the strengthening of bonds and has helped maintain relationships that would otherwise be hard to keep intact. But as well, coupled with the networks established, social sites have been beneficial in creating close relationships with peers, mentors, and probable collaborators all in one industry (Mullin). This connectivity has provided me with a window of career development opportunities and created a mode that celebrates knowledge sharing and individual continuous learning. By curating feeds, forming targeted groups, and being a part of online communities as well, users can gain access to a torrent of knowledge and consultation, resulting in their personal development and growth in impressive ways. In brief, the best power for social media creation, close interpersonal communication, networking, and knowledge acquisition cannot be underestimated.

Additionally, social media has brought in an era of information democracy wherein every person can amplify their voice on topics that matter to them in the most unexpected ways. Social media platforms have played a huge role in organizing communities of grassroots activists, spreading awareness on social injustices, and triggering global changes” (Sridhar). Sharing information and views, as well as personal experiences, has decentralized the public discourse, providing more chances for various voices to be heard and, hence, weakening traditional power relationships. Each time a hashtag spreads virally, or the latest post is featured, people get more informed on environmental, social, or political causes. They can effectively support the necessary causes worldwide. The increased availability of information and activism methods has led to broader civic participation and a sense of unity and empowerment in the world community. This is caused by a wide spread of social media across the public. Social media now serves as a robust process for changing the soy and intervening in collective actions in our digital age.

Nevertheless, maintaining a positive outlook, the growing influence of social media also includes negative points that must be acknowledged. Teenagers and youths respond intensely emotionally, making them very vulnerable to mental health problems. Numerous researches have shown the relationship between overusing social media and higher levels of depression and anxiety in individuals who do. Such phenomenon is linked quite often with a need to conform to a popular online persona ideal and receive approval from other people in the form of likes and comments; hence, there is a sense of inferiority and insignificance when one’s aspirations do not tally with these expectations as the article suggests, “Compounding the problems facing teenagers and parents is the fact that apps are often designed deliberately to be addictive, or used compulsively. They regularly turn social interactions into games – like Snapchat’s “Snapstreak” feature that scores a user for the number of consecutive days they share a picture with each contact, encouraging them to be available on the app constantly” (Sridhar).

Additionally, social media can become addictive due to their tendency to create an environment of comparison that reinforces poor self-picture and gets people into a cycle of self-depreciation. With this, although social media has a huge advantage, one should critically know and exercise how to use it to uphold a better self-image. Consequently, the association with them should be healthy.

In addition, social media is blamed for the spread of fake news, the forming of echo chambers, and the division of society. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter employ algorithms that emphasize the measure of absorption and sensational value, sacrificing accuracy and depth. This is how the societal media has brought about fake news, conspiracy theories, and the spread of extremist ideologies, making society divided and trusting mainstream information sources less. The reinforcement of biases and social polarization are accelerated by the algorithms used in social media, which form echo chambers and prevent users from coming across divergent viewpoints.

Taking into account this circumstance, we can safely say that the pros and cons of social media should be considered together. As the article suggests, “Coping with this isn’t easy on anyone’s mental health, whether minors or adults” (Mullin). Although it boasts peculiar benefits of social networking, such as connectivity, communication, and empowerment, it poses risks to mental health, information integrity, and societal unity. As individuals and as a community, we must consider social media with critical thinking, the perfection of digital literacy, mindfulness, and accountable use habits. Putting people’s attention on the opposing sides of social networking and implementing strategies to reduce the damage are the leading ways to blend social media’s positive and harmful effects properly. This means building a culture of informed decision-making, encouraging wholesome online interactions, and persuading policies that put the user’s health and safety first. Finally, the only way to take full advantage of the media in the context of societal change is to work with challenges together and thus reveal their positive side for development and progress.


Mullin, Joe. “The U.S. Government Wants to Control Online Speech to “Protect Kids.”” Electronic Frontier Foundation, 11 Aug. 2023, www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/08/us-government-about-control-speech-online-protect-kids.

Sridhar, Devi. “Social Media Could Be as Harmful to Children as Smoking or Gambling – Why Is This Allowed?” The Guardian, 4 July 2023, www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/04/smoking-gambling-children-social-media-apps-snapchat-health-regulation.

Writer: Mark Robson
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