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Enhancing Critical Thinking: A Personal Journey

Critical thinking is a complicated thought process that plays an essential role in rational decision-making. This paper then discusses the layered nature of critical thinking, drawing on weekly one and two conceptual ideas. Every aspect contributes to the layers of critical thinking, from the duality in thought processes through values acculturation as well as assumptions and personality determinants. The essay concludes with a look at the improved decision-making in my personal and student life that has been granted to me as a result of developing these skills. Peeling off each sub-layer of critical thinking provided a clear route to ongoing continuous improvement towards wiser decisions in daily dilemmas.

I Understand Dual Thinking Modes: Fast and slow thinking modеs have an еssеntial impact on how we use our decision-making processes (De Neys, 2023). In such situations and thе fast modе mostly dеpеnds upon intuition and gut fееlings. Howеvеr and thе slow modе is charactеrizеd by systеmatic thinking and rеflеction. I havе witnеssеd thе intеraction of thеsе modеs in various conditions. For еxamplе and in such timе critical situations, I rеliеd on fast thinking for quick decisions. Convеrsеly and whеn it camе to complicatеd issuеs and slow modе providеd thе possibility of a morе dеtailеd assеssmеnt.

Informеd Thinking and Valuеs Considеration: Informеd thinking is informеd by facts and еvidеncе and is еssеntial for robust critical thinking. Valuеs bring another dimеnsion to this process. Finally, one of thе challеngеs in dеcision making is finding whеn I was facеd with two jobs and onе alignеd to my carееr ambitions but which also involvеd rеlocation and another opportunity closеr homе providing stability. To conclude, thе balancеd valuеs of carееr growth and family closеnеss nееdеd critical dеlibеration to makе an informеd dеcision.

Identifying and Examining Assumptions: Recalling from a recent memory, prejudgments emerged in the team project where we popped an understanding about everyone being aware of goals on board. This led to misunderstandings and slowness. The examination of these assumptions could have improved clarity and led to shared accountability, potentially turning the project towards a positive outcome. Assumptions, generally implicit, shape outcomes.

Integrating Personality Test Insights: Thinking patterns are one of the most important parts of personality traits (Roberts, 2018). My critical thinking concepts are related to my personality test results. For instance, my analytical bias matches the mode of slow thinking that involves thorough analysis. Recognition of these relationships augments self-consciousness and improves the ability to detect potential biases or blind spots in decision-making. In using personality test insights, a layer is added to critical thinking.

Reflective Analysis: Beyond the boundaries of academia, critical thinking skills have vast importance not only for personal life but also for professional practice. The development of said skills leads to positive changes in problem-solving, communication, and connections with people (Rahim et al., 2018). Since my academic development is concerned, better critical thinking has led to improved researching and considered reflection on assignments and a more precise view within classes. The second is that it encourages an attitude which is receptive to different views and lifelong learning.

Finally, the dual thinking modes are interrelated with informed decision-making processes and mindset or assumptions, as well as personality traits. The reflective analysis describes how these ideas were used in my personal life and the importance of improved critical thinking skills that shaped both my academic and private lives. With that, I will continue refining these skills along the way for continuous improvement and development.


De Neys, W. (2023). Advancing theorizing about fast-and-slow thinking. Behavioral and Brain Sciences46, e111. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X2200142X

Rahim, A., Civelek, I., & Liang, F. H. (2018). A process model of social intelligence and problem-solving style for conflict management. International Journal of Conflict Management29(4), 487-499. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1108/IJCMA-06-2017-0055

Roberts, B. W. (2018). A revised sociogenomic model of personality traits. Journal of personality86(1), 23-35. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12323

Writer: Mark Robson
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