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Artificial Intelligence Is a Threat to Humanity


Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to play a crucial role in developing cutting-edge computer science and software. However, due to its fast growth and increasing incorporation into everyday life and the workplace, technology also presents hazards to society and new opportunities for people. The development and success of the European economy, for instance, depend on the cutting-edge technology employed at every production stage. On the other hand, some prominent figures—Bill Gates, who has expressed concern about AI’s(Artificial Intelligence) potential dangers to society, and Stephen Hawking, who is still actively engaged in cosmological research, among other fields—have warned against its use in the development of weapons. In this article, we’ll examine AI’s(Artificial Intelligence) pros and cons to determine whether it’s a threat or an opportunity for humanity.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence

Europe’s leading economies in internet data and its uses are located inside its technologically advanced countries. These economies rapidly climb to the top thanks to advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, due to developments in IT(Artificial Intelligence), patients worldwide now have access to healthcare facilities that provide good service, and doctors and nurses have more options for treating patients and administering their treatments. As a result of advancements in this field, socially theurapic robots have been created to assist the elderly and the economically disadvantaged. Human fatigue is a common source of mistakes, but AI(Artificial Intelligence) can help mitigate this problem because it does not experience fatigue or weariness as humans do (Parekh et al.,p. 1-17).

When it comes to performing operations, artificial intelligence plays a crucial part. Moreover, the development of the da Vinci surgical system, which is essentially operated by robots and guarantees few procedures during operations, makes this conceivable. In addition, this technology enables a patient’s virtual presence in a hospital, meaning that even the most seriously sick patients who have been advised to get care at home do not have to leave their beds to do so. Because of Artificial Intelligence, procedures can be completed rapidly and with high quality in a short time (Bostrom et al., p.57-69).

The timely delivery of findings is ensured by the fact that artificial intelligence is used more often to perform arduous jobs, such as lifting cargo from ports, that humans cannot execute. The technology also aids with weather forecasting, which is helpful in planning ahead for things like planting and harvesting seasons and what to wear. This technology(Artificial Intelligence) is also beneficial in military operations since intelligence predicts when the adversary will strike, reducing the risk to human life( Johnson, p. 147). The development of this new technology necessitates the acquisition of new skills, which in turn creates new employment prospects in the form of positions for trainers. Last but not least, unlike humans, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is always on the job, as it never takes breaks to sleep, eat, or do any of the other mundane things that make up human life.

Eliminating cyber attacks, discouraging the spread of false Information, and ensuring that Information is of good quality are essential steps toward strengthening democracy. In contrast, AI promotes openness and diversity, which may be explained by the fact that analytical data is employed in place of subjective opinions throughout the recruiting process. Crimes, including terrorist acts, can be stopped in their tracks with the use of artificial intelligence because of how early warning systems can detect and prevent them. Regarding security in general, AI(Artificial Intelligence) is deployed during assault and defense. The public sector can benefit significantly from this technology since it helps reduce costs and opens up new opportunities in the areas of education, energy, and waste management.

Negative Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humanity

 Continued use of Artificial Intelligence creates inequalities in people’s access to Information because some people may have more internet access than others. Secondly, if AI(Artificial Intelligence) is used too extensively, it could cause a significant loss of employment opportunities as human tasks are automated; as a result, organizations may need to invest more money in educational and training programs to compensate for the shortage of human talent. Moreover, Individual administrations will establish new laws and regulations to ensure the safety of global interactions through AI(Artificial Intelligence), which will lead to global regulations. More hacking incidents have arisen due to this technology; this is because various operations may be executed by the technology much more quickly than by humans, which can result in the propagation of viruses. Terrorism linked to artificial intelligence could result from the widespread adoption of autonomous drones and the introduction of robotic swarms to perform formerly human-only activities, requiring security personnel to acquire new expertise to counteract the risks posed by the technology.

When AI(Artificial Intelligence) takes over manual labor, workers suddenly find themselves with more time on their hands. While this may be welcomed by many, it also raises the possibility that others will choose to utilize their newfound leisure time to participate in unlawful behavior. Another disadvantage of artificial intelligence is the loss of privacy that results from the widespread availability of related data and Information in the digital realm. The exponential growth of the internet and its users may constrain societal progress since it relies on data from the past to forecast the future, increasing the role it plays in decision-making while diminishing the importance of human values.

Because there is no education or preparation offered to educate people about artificial intelligence’s effects, its consistent use can result in life-threatening situations, which is made feasible by the lack of training. Accidents in the manufacturing industry and oil spills are two examples of life-threatening incidents that can severely impact human health. This technology uses algorithms to set and make decisions, which is a major disadvantage due to the fact that there are no emotions attached to such algorithms. The lack of emotional intelligence is a disadvantage regarding this technology(Artificial Intelligence) because of the use of such algorithms to set and make decisions (Nadikattu and Ashok Kumar Reddy, p. 2320).

To sum up, several scientists, including Stephen Hawking and Nick Bostrom, have expressed skepticism about the benefits that AI(Artificial Intelligence) could have for humanity. Among others, it lays out how technology has altered human nature and the pursuits that surround it. And this is due to the general fear of intelligent beings, whether they be human or mechanical. Despite concerns about the harmful effects of this technology on society, there has been no news to suggest that its development will be halted. The benefits of AI(Artificial Intelligence) outweigh the drawbacks, and the field should be proud of its ability to address and ultimately eliminate issues plaguing the human labor force.

Works Cited

Bostrom, Nick, and Eliezer Yudkowsky. “The ethics of artificial intelligence.” Artificial intelligence safety and security. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2018. 57-69.

Johnson, James. “Artificial intelligence & future warfare: implications for international security.” Defense & Security Analysis 35.2 (2019): 147-169.

Nadikattu, Ashok Kumar Reddy. “Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Robotics Industry.” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882.

Parekh, Vidhi, Darshan Shah, and Manan Shah. “Fatigue detection using artificial intelligence framework.” Augmented Human Research 5.1 (2020): 1-17.

Writer: Mickey Muennig
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